4 Apr 2013

World has Died

"We "CANCE - L" our Natural Food in Lunch & Dinner so we Created the "CANCE - R" automatically in our Divine Temple of Body where God residing Naturally. So Replace "R" by "L" Naturally to Equipoise the Nature & over come the Epidemic "CANCER" from Universe."

"The Soul of the Entire World has Died."

"Think Globally, Act Homely, Socially, Religiously, Spiritually for the betterment of Life i.e. The King of Happiness (within) (Self Realization). This is the Basis of Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity i.e. Eternal Way of Life.
The Guru Tattwa used to say that EVERYBODY in Universe wants to LOOK GOOD but no one wants to become GOOD."

"Nature does Nothing Uselessly."
*~ Aristotle~*

"Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own; and from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, is but a succession of changes so gentle and easy that we scarcely mark their progress."
*~Charles Dickens~*

"All Nature & its Seasons wears One & Homologous Universal Consciousness."

" To manifest the Homologous Divine Power of Lord to Over Come *THE GLOBAL WARMING in every Sphere of Life"

"If we create the "SELFLESS" in our Heart, Mind & Chitta, It will every movement like Divine Saints in LIFE with our family, friends & society as so on."

"One thing should be remembered: Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity) Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Evolution of Life to GOD realization is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the real EVOLUTION."

"'The whole world burns in the fire of Cheating, Deceiving, Mixing water in Milk, Selfishness, Ostentation, Acute Desire of Fame by Crooked way & so forth."

"On the surface, all criticize SELFISHNESS while remaining fully immersed in it.The lowest state of GREED is "SWARTHA" (SELFISHNESS)."

"Ego, Attachment, Greed, Lust, Anger, Hatred, Enmity, Aversion and Selfless service cannot Co-Exist."

"Sunshine & Moonshine is Consciousness, delicious, rain is refreshing the consciousness, wind braces us up with consciousness, snow is exhilarating the consciousness; there's really no such thing as bad weather i.e. Global Warming, only different kinds of good weather manifest the CONSCIOUSNESS."
*ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ॐ*


"Ego, Attachment, Greed, Lust, Anger, Hatred, Enmity, Aversion and Selfless service cannot Co-Exist."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

"To Realize Reality." {Total Cosmic Force}"
"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?
"To do no Evils in action(Karma), Mind & Thoughts."

"What is the Reality?
"Selflessness every Moment."

"The Heart & Mind inquired of the SOUL:
"What is the Beginning of this Subtle Bushiness ?
"What its end, and what its fruits ?
"The Soul answered:
"The begging of it is The Annihilation of Self,
"Its end Faithfulness,
"And its Fruit Immortality."

"The Heart & Mind asked:
"What is Annihilation ?
"What is Faithfulness ?
"What is Immorality ?


"It seems that the same thought process was prevalent throughout the entire world."

"The Soul of the Entire World has Died."

"It has lost all its high values of Renunciation ,Love ,Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & Spirituality."

"A Person wastes his Precious Time in Unnecessary Karma (actions)."

"Just as a VOLCANO ERUPTS after Many Years ,Similarly Suppressed Ego, Anger, Illusion of Lust (Show off, ostentation), Greed & Aversion & so forth manifest in a Fearful Form."

"The HEART surcharged with an" Incessant Flood of DIVINE-LOVE" is its own REWARD, INASMUCH as no temporal,desire or animal passion helps to ebb its tide or mar its PURITY."

"May the inner lights brighten up every body and your near and dear ones lives."

"May bring in every body the most brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever Wished for."

"May this bring every body the utmost in peace and prosperity."
"May lights triumph over darkness."

"May unconditional Love & peace transcend the earth."

"May the spirit of light illuminate the world."

"Why we does not respect 'SELFLESSNESS.?

"Why we does respect SELFISHNESS.?

"It is believed that no one can be 'SELFLESS'.

"Why every body behind the SELFISHNESS.?

"If we create the "SELFLESS" in our Heart, Mind & Chitta,
It will every movement like Divine Saints in LIFE with our family,friends & society as so on."

"LOVE is the ESSENCE of the WORLD."

"LOVE is SHIP that takes ONE across the OCEAN of "LIFE" & "DEATH" ."

"How long will you BURN in the FIRE of ILLUSION.?"

"Selfish love is not Love at all."

"Love rooted in attractions no Love at All."

"This is the manifestation of Vasanas (propensity)and desires (Pleasures),which wander around at wrapped in hatred and aversion."

"Love is supported only by Love.Wherever you see hatred or any other basis for Love, understand that its its foundation is attraction or selfishness,not Love at all."

"In Love,there is no mine and yours.There is only mine.As long as there is mine and yours,there is no mine and there is no yours."

"LOVE is the ESSENCE of the WORLD.LOVE is SHIP that takes ONE across the OCEAN of "LIFE" & "DEATH" ."

"How long will you BURN in the FIRE of ILLUSION.?"
"First of ALL our MIND should be PURE toward each other."

"Some Simple Healing Exercise for to increase the Memory "

"Outside & Inner side factors that Affect the Memory."

"Forget not to overcome your Forgetfullness !."

"It is Like Searching every where for your Spectacles (subtle) when you are Already Wearing them within."

"The Psychologists have noted that Anxiety is One of the Key Factors that cause memory to go the blink now & then."

"The Vedanta had noted that Mental tendencies (vices, vasana (propensity) & so forth) covered the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) are most the key factors that cause memory to go on blink now and then."

"So, Don't Worry, Be Happy Outward & Inward. By, now, wisdom must have dawned in you that worrying does not solve any problem whatsoever."

"Be wise and be brave within. Let all the things , which are not beyond your control, take their shape through purity of body, senses, mind & chitta. Simply don't bother about it. By assuming calm & cheerful disposition , you have bound to remember as to you are Looking for Inside the Refrigerator !."

"Drugs such as Tofrail and Elavil, which are antidepressants, and drugs that lower blood pressure, that sedate the bowel, and drugs that are used to treat Parkinson's Disease - all are reported to affect the Brain (mind & chitta) functions.Even withdrawal from some drugs such as Doridyn, Placidyl or Valium can also affect Memory. Whatever possible , it is wise to avoid such drugs."

"Some Simple MEMORY Exercises(Natural Healing)."

"Like morning -Walk some mental exercises can make your Memory "FIT"."


"As a child , you were building memory bank - mnemonics, or associating unknown material with something familiar. For Example, when your NEIGHBOR introduces to you his daughter as "Sulochana", you register "Slow - Chalna", Slow- Walker" in your Mind and imagine her that she walks so slowly that she never reaches for shopping four times, milk, jam ,tomato juice and bread, before you set out you may picturise that milk is cascading over the jam on the floor and that bread- vendor, without bothering about it is sipping tomato- juice. In fact, more ridiculous the association, greater the possibility of your remembering it. So, start picturising funny things and remember all your daily cores !."

"Some Herbal Treatment for Improving Memory"
"Subject to your family Doctor's approval, you can try some of the simple home herbs for improvement of your family."

(1). Take 3gms. black Cumin( Hindi:Jeera) seed powder and mix it with some Honey. Just lick it daily and overcome amnesia."

(2)." Boil in a glassful of milk (if cow Milk is more effective) 2 figs ( Hindi: Anjir) and 10 gms. Raisins. Drink it every morning and see that only your brain is functioning , but your vision is also improving."

(3). Have one spoon Ghee & 5no. black Pepper (Hindi : Kali Mircha) & cook , after it mix grind sugar, Take Daily morning, see that only your brain is functioning , but your vision is also improving."

(4)."Take a Pinch (chutaki) of Cinnamon (Hindi : Dalchini) with honey every night regularly."

(5). In addition , you can also take a conscious attempt to add in your diet the following ingredients whenever and whenever possible: Sage Leaves, Pepper, Almond Kernels, Amla, almond oil & so forth."

(6)."Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga or Meditation for few minutes daily do tone up the brain, mind & chitta functions."

"The Great VALUE of WILL FORCE . This is Sacred Power of WILL FORCE

"The Five basic Self- Discipline Factors for Every Individual."
(1)."Control over Breath.
(2.)"Control over Body.
(3)."Control over Senses
(4)."Control over Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche).
(5.)"Control over the Vital Power."

"These five basic Self- Discipline Factors for Every Individual Emerges & Manifest these "31" Divine Character."

1. Perfect Unconditional Love & Mental Peace.
2. Complete safety of Body, Senses, mind & chitta (mind stuff,psyche).
3. Complete health with Natural Healing.
4. Wisdom to end well
5. Destroy evil intentions (mental tendencies).
6. Complete success within.
7. Abundant blessings for Living Beings.
8. Greater testimonies.
9. Favour without Expectation
10. Greater achievements within (self Realization).
11. Increase in ministry
12. Financial increase
13. Harvest of souls.
14.Wisdom for 2013 & on ward.
15. Spiritual growth (Self Realization).
16. Job safety and favor at job.
17. Leadership of the Holy Spirit (consciousness).
18. Better job openings.
19. Good news from home and abroad.
20. No deaths.
21. No Job loses.
22. Better Open doors for every body.
23. Good results in every aspects of Precious Life.
24. Better opportunities with positive attitude & Perceptive.
25. Stress free family life.
26. Win souls the every moment of Life.
27. Blessed every moment of Life.
28. No disasters for five Divine Tattwa i.e. Earth, Air,Fire & Ether.
29. God’s tangible presence.
30. Victory in very area i.e. Body, Senses, Mind & Chitta.
31. Uncommon testimonies."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"Who controls Stone, Iron, Fire, Water and Air and how ?."

"Stone can be broken by Iron, Iron can be melted by Fire, Fire can be extinguished by Water, Water can be driven by Air and Air (breathe) can be controlled by Strong Will Force & Pranayam."

"Life is Life, Awakened to Divine Light {Within} every moment with Positive Attitude & Perceptive."

"This World {Universe} & OUR MIND, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)} is Like the WAVES of an OCEAN."

"Evolution of Life to "Self -Realization" is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the "REAL- EVOLUTION"."


"Courage & Tolerance is the Life of every individual beings of universe of their social conduct as well Religious & Spiritual practices & benefits."

"Control of the sense organs and control of the mind are co related to Tolerance."

"Cleaning out accumulated impressions (Samskars,Prarbdha (destiny, past karma) and the tendencies of past lives (vasana, propensity )also have a very close relationship with Tolerance."

"Physical Courage & Tolerance is important, mental Courage & Tolerance is more important and much difficulties ."

"One must bear Psychological Turmoil, Anger, Insult, Failer and so forth without reacting."

"Even great ascetics get frightened and move away from Courage & Tolerance."

"Physical Courage & Tolerance involves the control of senses organ,but it cannot be totally separated from control of the mind & chitta."

"For physical Courage & Tolerance a strong mental resolve is required,the absence of which can lead to undermining of the will."

"When Happiness and Sorrow, Enjoyment and consumption take control, the objects of the world attack the sense organs."

"When natural calamities cause causes sorrow, bearing than without getting upset,without surrender to the attraction of sense objects and without reacting to them in physical Courage & Tolerance."

"Mental Courage & Tolerance requires an even more determined resolve."

"If the individual beings,aspirant and devotee is ever honored,he must resist pride. If he is insulted than he must not be his mind go astray."

"He should not get attached to friends. He should not have aversion towards those who consider themselves his enemies,and if he runs into such people,he should give them respect and love. One has to endure a great deal for all this."

"The mind must be suppressed often. An enemy shows indifference and you will love him. Someone insults you and endure it without offering a reply or clarification."

"This is not an easy task due to the individual Prarbdha(destiny,past karma)."

" Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of "Selfishness, Ego,Ostentation, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity ,& Vices."

"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"That is the Only GENUINE Way Social, Religious & Spiritual - Truth is brought into the UNIVERSE.

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an holistic approach, promoting health, education and enterprise; facilitating independence not dependence."

"Life is Life, Awakened to Divine Light {Within} every moment with Positive Attitude & Perceptive."

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