4 Apr 2013

Habits of mind

"Defects of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) means RAJO GUNA (disturbing qualities), and TAMO -GUNA (the quality of inertia, passivity or inactivity), Sattwa Guna {Harmonious in Nature).."

"A Mind ,Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)} reequipped with DISCRETION is called DISCIPLINED MIND."

"Frequently Truth finds Truth and Falsehood finds Falsehood."

"Human beings has LOST *INNER BLISS* and Chases IMPURE DESIRES, Anger And Ego & so forth with misconception of Materialism like the BLIND MAN."

"The Most Direct Proof of the Influence of Worldly Happenings on Our Mind & Chitta is EGO , PRIDE , OSTENTATION, ANGER, LUST."

"HUMAN is busy tending the Garden outside.He has neither the TIME nor the PIOUS Desire to Look at the Garden Within."

"His Mango Orchard inside is Barren and Dry,bugs Devour it,and branches break in high winds.Useless thorny bushes have covered the Pious Mango Trees."

"This is the IRONY of HUMANS behaviour.Instead of carrying a well of Sweet Mango Juice Within,one is Lost in the External World and Pours POISON INSIDE."

"These Beautifier Mangoes hanging on the Branches of the Tree are Symbols of the NATURAL INNER JUICE."

"The HUMAN of TODAY is Bent on Reducing his SWEETNESS by picking UNRIPE MANGOES, and then Ripening them with CHEMICALS i.e. UNNATURAL."

"Virtues that are FREE from EGO are REAL- VIRTUES."

"Defects means RAJO GUNA (disturbing qualities), and TAMO -GUNA (the quality of inertia, passivity or inactivity)."

"Virtues means SATTWA- GUNA (harmonious qualities)."
"All these are within Prarbdha {destiny} and they should all be Abandoned."

"However Defects are Unholy Tendencies and Virtues are Holy Tendencies."

"Unholy Tendencies never subside,even if they are Silenced,they rise again."

"But Holy Tendencies subside spontaneously after "Self- Realization."

"Vices are always for Worldly affairs. If virtues are dominated by EGO then they are also Vices,even if they are Harmonious in Nature."

"Virtues that are Free from EGO are REAL VIRTUES."

"This Real Virtues are inclined towards the SOUL."

"These are the HOLY TENDENCIES that subside upon Attainment of the SELF."

*O LORD! The world is full of PROBLEMS.?

"It is not easy to escape from Happiness & Unhappiness."

"If you leave it behind and and run, it chases every body."

"If you run after it, it dashes ahead."

"It can neither be given up, nor can be caught."

"It is strange PROBLEM."

"You alone can take us out of this problem."

"You are our only support."

"Every second,life moves toward death,
but the individual being is not aware of this."

"He continues to worry about the WORLD."

"DEATH is approaching with its jaws wide open."

"How long will we continue to play this game of " LIFE & DEATH."

"Save me from this ,i have only your shelter."

"PROTECT.........ME ! PROTECT.........ME ! PROTECT.........ME !"

"O LORD! The world is full of PROBLEMS."

"If some one is Truly in search of a REAL - LOVE he will definitely find a REAL LOVE, because a REAL - LOVE is, Like wise, in search of a REAL -LOVE."

"The HEART, MIND & CHITTA (mind stuff,psyche) surcharged with an" Incessant Flood of "DIVINE-LOVE" is its own REWARD ,INASMUCH as no temporal,desire or animal passion helps to ebb its tide or mar its PURITY."

"The Rising Tide of UNCONDITIONAL- LOVE sweeps away all other kinds of Emotions and Desires, and Displaces all worldly Attachments, Detestation's and Fear, bringing in a "HAPPY SWEETNESS of DIVINE BLISSFULNESS."

" THE HEART ,MIND & CHITTA (mind stuff,psyche) is freed from all Disturbances and become filled to the Brim with Calmness of Sweet Tranquility,possessing it a person becomes IMMORTALIZED and Desires nothing and FREED from cares, becomes contented, neither desiring nor detesting, but accommodating to all PHASES of LIFE."

"Those who had a Life of Luxury and who are Puffed up with Pride, loses their understanding and sense."
*~ Vedanta Version ~*

"Calm you Socially, Religiously & Spritually to lead a Good & Divine Life."

"Rationality is man's basic virtue, the source of its other virtues. It is the recognition and acceptance of reason as the sole source of True & Pure knowledge that a human can possess, your only judge of values and the only guide to us within (self Realized."

"The destination between MORAL and IMMORAL is lost to individual beings."

"You make a Religion of all Religions, including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength, "What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( ♥श्री ॐ♥", Religion based on Consciousness)?

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