2 Apr 2013


"Who is the WINNER of " DIVINE -LIFE."?."

"The Liberty of Death of Divine Saint Kabir !."

*~The Great Awakening & Divinity of Divine Saint KABIR in his Precious Life ~*

"When Kabir died, his dead body was being carried in a Procession."

"In the meantime , a Young lady of 18 was waiting outside her house decked up with the best of clothes and cosmetics as she received a message that her husband was returning Home after five years of work for away from the Town."

"WHEN SEE SAW THE FUNERAL PROCESSION, SHE GOT SHOCKED AND MURMURED, "WHY had This Man to Die Today ? It is the bad Omen for me."

"On hearing this, Divine Kabir got up and told the procession to return saying that he would "DIE" the next day as the lady was very much upset over his DEATH being an Auspicious Day for Her."

"Surrender to GOD, devote your Talent, Energy and Time in securing Godhood.
This is the Greatest Duty of the Worldly lives."

"Life is Life, Awakened to it.{Within}."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of "Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity ,& Vices."

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