28 Apr 2013


"Lord Mother Goddess Tulsiji (Basil) can be used as Anti-Radiation Medicine

"Naturopathy is both an Art & science of NATURAL HEALING . It is based on the Natural Divine Laws of Consciousness, Health and Diseases, not just mere Physical Cultures and Physiotherapy."

"It is complete System of HEALING based on its own "ETERNAL PHILOSOPHY of LIFE", Health & Disease."

"SUPER NATURAL & DIVINE HERBS and SPICES - Which Create the LIFE FORCE & DIVINTY Automatically in our DIVINE BODY (Temple of LORD)."

"The scientists of DRDO have claimed, Ocimum sanctum as we called Tulsi can heal the persons suffering from harmful radiations."

"According to them, there has many researchers been conducted over this study and being developed an herbal medicine."

"Interestingly this medicine, made from Tulsi, can be used for treating people exposed to radiations."

"The organization including scientists of DRDO’s Institute of Nuclear Medicines and Allied Sciences and the researchers of Department of Radiobiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, have successfully tested tulsi extracts on mice for its anti-radiation and anti-cancer properties."

"Tulsi Plant 300x225 Tulsi can be used as Anti Radiation Medicine: DRDOAs per the study discovered by the scientists of Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), the herbal plant Divine & Holi ‘Tulsi’ (Indian Basil), used as a home remedy for cough, cold and other ailments, has a Higher Healing Tendency(subtle).

"The scientists of DRDO have claimed, Ocimum sanctum as we called Tulsi can heal the persons suffering from harmful radiations."

"However the initial tests have shown some positive results. DRDO’s chief controller (R&D) W Selvamurthy who attending the 99th edition of the Indian Science Congress held in Bhubaneshwar Odhisa on Sunday, said in his statement,

“Tulsi-based medicine is already in second phase of clinical trials. We need to conduct a few more tests and take up phase II trials before it is released for general use.”

"In fact Tulsi has anti-oxidant properties that can repair cells damaged by exposure to radiation. Being highlighted the features of ‘Tulsi’ as herbal medicines, scientists confirmed,
”The medicines used for treating radiation-related ailments are very toxic in nature. These herbal medicines would change the way radiation treatment takes place as they would be quite safe.”

"As per report, the organization of scientists will have also developed several other herbal medicines with Animal Trials that results are encouraging and out of which some are especially for the Indian Army."

"SUPER NATURAL & DIVINE HERBS and SPICES - Which Create the LIFE FORCE & DIVINTY Automatically in our DIVINE BODY (Temple of LORD)."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an Holistic Approach, Promoting Health(LIFE FORCE), Education and Enterprise; Facilitating Independence (with Nature) not Dependence at all."


"Destroy" Selfishness" & Create "Selflessness" within.Habits automatically may Transforms in to Universal Love & Peace in Universe.

for Every Body."
"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an Holistic Approach, Promoting Health(LIFE FORCE), Education and Enterprise; Facilitating Independence (with Nature) not Dependence at all."

"The "MEDICINE" that is available today is also sugar coated with"MATERIALISM"."

"Now days Medicine and 'Materialism' alternate each other in the 'Slippery World'.'"

"Sometimes one is more effective and sometimes the other one rules."

"The"MEDICINE" that is available today is also sugar coated with"MATERIALISM"."

"These days the "MATERIALISM" is on "RISE."

"They view ( in invisible form) this and enjoy this as a "DIVINE SPORT"(MAYA) of the Lord."

"That is the Only GENUINE Way Social, Religious & Spiritual - Truth is brought into the UNIVERSE."

"In the absence of Right Conduct, the sensual pleasures extinguish the light of knowledge."

"Humanity is the basis of RIGHTEOUSNESS."

"All kinds of Impurities in the Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) are due to individual Prarabdha (destiny created by past Karma, action) - Lust, Ego, Ostentation, Anger, Greed , and so forth - drag the Mind & Chitta toward again in mental tendencies and moral & character gets broken again."

"Its possible synonyms: Rescue, Release, Liberation, Liberty, even Equality,Kindness, Humanity, Humility, Compassion, Forgiveness & so forth."

"A Human is a Ghost as long as he identifies himself with the objects of his Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"Vices are always for Worldly affairs. If virtues are dominated by EGO then they are also Vices,even if they are Harmonious in Nature."

"Virtues that are Free from EGO are REAL VIRTUES."

"This Real Virtues are inclined towards the SOUL."

"These are the HOLY TENDENCIES that subside upon Attainment of the SELF."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

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