28 Dec 2012


"Who is BEAUTIFUL like The Lamp which is lighting Divine Light Within ?."
BEAUTIFUL is what BEAUTIFUL does. It is neither good Looks, nor Showmanship (Ostentation of Private organs), nor your Riches, which make you BEAUTIFUL."

"Human can rise above Gods and Fall below Animals. Human has Divine & Great Spectrum, from the Lowest to the Highest, Human is the "Subtle - Ladder."

"The Great Values of our Precious Life for Happiness in Family, Society & so forth."

"Wise & Great Men (Within) make proverbs, for welfare of Family, Society & so forth, but fools repeat them in words but not follow them in deeds"

"BEAUTIFUL is what BEAUTIFUL does. It is neither good Looks, nor Showmanship (Ostentation of Private organs), nor your Riches, which make you BEAUTIFUL."

"It is your BEAUTIFUL behaviour toward others that makes you BEAUTIFUL."

"If you are a positive person, if you are helpful, if you are co- operative to anyone with whom you are dealing, you are BEAUTIFUL - however UGLY looks you MIGHT HAVE."

"BEAUTY lies in the eyes of the Beholder. BEAUTY lies in the satisfaction of the receiver. BEAUTY lies in the sweetness of the atmosphere you create. BEAUTY lies in the Fragrance you spread. BEAUTY lies in the Helping hand that you extend."
"BEAUTY lies in the Smile you ceate within, in the laughter you produce within."

"A Dull, drab, Unhelpful, Unresponsive , Snob person can be BEAUTIFUL, even through He or She may own all the Riches of the Earth and have the PRETTIEST FACE."

"If you can inspire some one to do something positive for precious life, you are Extensively BEAUTIFUL on this Earth & as well as Realm of LORD."

"If you are with Nature, you are BEAUTIFUL.To live in a Natural Way is BEAUTIFUL.To be with BEAUTIFUL People , is BEAUTIFUL."

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥""THE KNOWER & THE KNOWN" "श्री*♥ ॐ♥"

"THE lacks Reality
"Is akin to Faithlessness

"Blind obedience
"Without the light of knowledge
"Is utter waste of effort,
Like ploughing in sand.

"If thou art freed
"From the cage of this world
"Soar into the EMPYREAN
"And share the bliss of GOD.

"Do not O GOD, put out
"This flikening lamp !
"Cast not this heart afire with
"Love for THEE
"INTO the Furnace of DESIRE.

"Oh ! GOD ! Rend not
"my patched- up sail,
"Nor drive my broken bark
"from the river of True & Pure Knowledge !

"Individual beings mat attain different types of miraculous powers, but he not there by experience the AWAKENED STATE."

"Frequently Truth finds Truth (Moral)and Falsehood finds Falsehood ( Immoral)."

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"Salvation means "FREEDOM" from Mental Tendencies.""श्री*♥ ॐ♥

"Its possible synonyms: Rescue, Release, Liberation, Liberty, even Equality,Kindness, Humanity, Humility, Compassion, Forgiveness & so forth."

"A Human is a Ghost as long as he identifies himself with the objects of his Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"The day he becomes Aware of his True & Essential Nature, his True Self, he is free from all FEARS of Grand Illusion i.e. Salvation, Freedom."

"The "SULABHYA (Easily Accessible), Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality (selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."


"A Life Devoid of Ostentation must be our True NATURE ,
Ostentation is the Total Cause of Materialism i.e. HELL.
So, OUR body becomes his worst HELL."

"Those who had a Life of Luxury and who are Puffed up with Pride, loses their understanding and sense."
*~ Vedanta Version ~*



"Cosmos exists, Life comes & goes,
"How does it happen, None of us Knows,
"Lord made the Five Divine Tattwa i.e. Earth, water, Air, Fire & Ether,
" Lord made the Consciousness, and Lord made all these suns !,
"How they affect us, how we take breath?
"What is the Consciousness in Living & Non Living, where we go after Death ?
"What is the Miraculous Creation, What is the Miraculous Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ?
"Is not all "MYSTIC", should we not then find ?
"Still we are Living in Illusion of Dvaita (duality) !
"We can find when we Live with Advaita (non duality)."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"The union of world that exists, in the form of of ACCUMULATED SAMSKARS (Prarabdha, destiny, accumulated impressions) in the CHITTA (mind stuff,psyche) and the visible SLIPPERY WORLD (YATHA PINDE TATHA BRHAMANDE), stifles the competency of an individual SOUL."

"The world is compared to a RIVER that has FIVE ORIGINS,FIVE TRIBUTARIES & FIVE WHIRLPOOLS."

"The five origins are the SAMSKARS of pleasures of Sound,Touch,Appearance,Taste and Smell."

"The five tributaries are the performed through the FIVE SENSES,and the five types of Sensuality are the five Whirlpools."

"The individual beings of the universe CAUGHT in a WHIRLPOOL is an incompetent individual beings.."

"He goes on sinking in the waves of Ego,Desires,Anger,Greed,Inf actuation and Indulgence."

"If he wants to come to the bank he can not,because by the time he even wishes to do so a new wave sweeps in to its current."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS

"You make a Religion of all Religions,
including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength,
"What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( ♥श्री ॐ♥", Religion based on Consciousness)?."

27 Dec 2012

God's Pharmacy

"This is the ERA of OSTENTATION, CHEATING & DECEIVING in the field of Medicine & FOOD INDUSTRY & so forth & it so called Development i. e. Materialism."

"We are The "HUMAN BEINGS (within), NOT the HUMAN DOING (Superficially with Ostentation) for MATERIALISM !."



"The Ayurveda & Naturopathy stresses that the Code and Conduct be Meticulously followed and to have a Divine Vision of Universal HUMANITY in treating the Patients without any Expectatuin."

"The Ayurveda & Naturopathy being an Unique Divine Subject ecompassing both Science as well as Philosophy (within,self realized) has attracted the ATTENTION at "GLOBAL LEVEL."

"The Trend is shifting from so called Modern Systems of Medicine i.e. Looting, Chating & Decieving to this Science and people have realised its Divine - Potentiality and Practical Subtle Utility in leading a DISEASED Free Life."

"NATURE- CURE (Lord Mother Earth) makes one his own Great Divine Physician. It build up Human's Divinity, confidence in the curative property, or gift of DIVINE NATURE i.e. SELF HEALING."


"Salutations to Lord Dhanvantriji who is the Adi Deva & who Lotus feet are worshiped by Gods & Demons alike, who wards off fear of disease and Death, the master of various Plants Medicines in this World."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

e."The world is CHANGED."

"Destroy" Selfishness" & Create "Selflessness" within.Habits automatically may Transforms in to Universal Love & Peace in Universe."

"Calm you Socially, Religiously & Spiritually to lead a Good & Divine Life."
"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment."

*NOTHING WILL BENEFIT HUMAN BODY, HEART & MIND and increase Chances for SURVIVAL of LIFE on EARTH as Much as the Evolution to a NATURAL & VEGETARIAN DIET"*
*~ Divine Scientist ALBERT EINSTEIN ~*~*

"If any Individual want to recover early as possible "FROM HIS DECEASE" must Chant this Divine Mantra "9 (NINE)" times before taking any MEDICINE, Herb, Food & so forth & Say to LORD (GOD) please & please destroy our Sins of Previous Birth with own Faith, Emotion & Feeling."

"This Divine Matra Emerges the NATURAL HEALING of MEDICINE as well as in Fruits, Food & so forth."

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."


"In his Book of GANDHIJI "THE NATURE- CURE "has related to the Typical Case."


"This is the ERA of OSTENTATION, CHEATING & DECEIVING & so called Development."

"This is True Story of VEDANTA for the Divine Guidance for so called Developed Country of World."

"Karma (actions ) is the Subtle Effect of our All doing thought- bad, good,or accumulated in ONE"S a Soul if not only of this birth but of all its past birth."

"The body is cleansed by Water, the Internal organs is purified by TRUTHFULNESS."

"We Must be Proof our selves that "WE" are the "BOON", not the "CURSE" at all for Family, Society & so forth."

"The Destination between MORAL and IMMORAL is lost to MOST of The Country, their so called Politicians, Reformers & so forth.!.?"

"Blinded by DESIRES, they remain indifferent and apathetic towards their surrounding For Ego, Greed, Enmity, Aversion, VEGANEANCE & so forth"."

"The strange THING is that DECEIT& CHEATING has found its way into Social Conductivity , Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY, too, in every where in Universe."
"All that one Has to do is TRY it in Order to observe the MIRACULOUS EFFECTS (divine energy) of NATURE- CURE."

"Nature , as one knows , is the LORD MOTHER of everything, every CREATURE."

"And one who care better for her CHILDREN then a MOTHER! When a child CRIES, its Mother takes it on her LAP & a mere TOUCH of HER hand SILENCES the Child's CRIES."

"So too, for HER CREATION, LORD MOTHER NATURE possesses a HAND, the "HEALING TOUCH of which can CURE an AILING HUMAN."

"Besides the immense bounty of Herbs and other Product that nature provides for USE by human as Medicines for the sick, MOTHER NATURE also provides a HEALING TOUCH, which can cure a patient without any use of medicine."

"WHAT is that HEALING TOUCH ? In Simple Language, it is touch of NATURE"S cold water on the body which provides Relief to the patient from the Illness."

"Besides the other Modes of Nature _ CURE treatment, Cold Water treatment is the Mainstay of NATURE CURE."

"In India,NATURE- CURE was given a BOOST by Divine Saint Mahatma Gandhiji himself, who took to the practice of NATURE- CURE in order to cure his own ailments."

"He refused any medical treatment or medicine, even in the face of risk to his life, as warned by Doctors."

"In his Book of GANDHIJI "THE NATURE- CURE "has related to the Typical Case."

The Divine & Holy COW & HORSE are TOTAL VEGETARIAN, so their CHAKRAS are Always ACTIVE."

"That is Why they WORSHIPED since Ancient TIME."

*NOTHING WILL BENEFIT HUMAN HEART & MIND and increase Chances for SURVIVAL of LIFE on EARTH as Much as the Evolution to a VEGETARIAN DIET"* = *~ Divine Scientist ALBERT EINSTEIN ~*

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."


"WE can get LOVE, PEACE, or Social, Religious & Spiritual SATISFACTION only by "SELF REALIZATION."

"In ULTIMATE sense, yes, as He can gradually evolve himself and can FUSE into the TOTAL FORCE and can experience the TOTAL & ETERNAL BLISS."

"A'' lives, human or otherwise are at work (karma, actions) on the basis of their own Prarabdha (destiny, past karmas)."

"One should not therefore worry about the things ha cannot help. Many are in misery- because of their own Prarabdha."

"No one else can be held responsible for the same.They live as per their own Prarabdha (doings) and circumstances.One should not worry for them.He should worry only to the extent of his own Role."

"There is nothing wrong or right in this universe. Everything is relative, we are depriving the other from having his food.What would happen if some one removes our dish of Food? Who gave us the authority to interfere with other's activities? ."

"There are numerous and countless deaths taking place at every fraction of time. Innumerable creatures living in air, water, earth, vegetation etc. die every moment before our own eyes, some of which we see, some we do not-we are not connected with all these deaths."

" Similarly there are countless lives which take birth and survives every movement-it is not because of our mercy."

"If we are not killing or hurting we are merciful; if we are killing or hurting them - we are sinners."

Even if we worry for the WORRIES of this world, we cannot help if out. Therefore we should limit our own Role."

"It will be gradually possible for us to have a larger role, larger horizon, larger freedom and ultimetly become part of the Limitless.This universe has been in existence for an unlimited Time."

"It contain limitless galaxies , stars, planets and space. They are full of limitless lives, matter and spirit.Every one is growing ,revolving and evolving according to a set principle which may be called "TOTAL COSMIC AUTONOMIC SYSTEM"

"We have potentialities of that state as we are PART & PARCEL of the "TOTAL COSMIC FORCE (SYSTEM)"

"Do not fight with Darkness, You will waste tour Energy as well time. Intead create New Light, and let the world know what you say,. If you know where you are going, the whole world will give you way."

"WE can get LOVE, PEACE, or Social, Religious & Spiritual SATISFACTION only by "SELF REALIZATION."

"Therefore SPIRITUALISM is individualistic. One has his own individual "DHARMA". There is his own shere of Natural Activity and Duty which he should do or perform without any feeling of attachment, expectation or distance."

"He has been sent by Total Cosmic System to perform and he has not come of his own "SWEET WILL"."

"He is, therefore in Mundane Sense, not master of his own Prarabdha (destiny)."

"In ULTIMATE sense, yes, as He can gradually evolve himself and can FUSE into the TOTAL FORCE and can experience the TOTAL & ETERNAL BLISS."

"Therefore Attention must be FOCUSED on the OMNIPRESENCE of GOD,and EXPERIENCES in the WORLD must LIVED with DETACHMENT."

"Just as solitude is necessary for "SPIRITUAL PRACTICES", so purification of CONDUCT is possible only through "SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."

"The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."


"Education has two aspects; the first is related to external and worldly education, which is nothing but acquiring bookish knowledge. In the modern world, we find many well versed and highly qualified in this aspect. The second aspect known as Educare is related to human values. The word Educare means to bring out that which is within. Human values are latent in every human being; one cannot acquire them from outside. They have to be elicited from within. Educare means to bring out human values. 'To bring out' means to translate them into action."

17 Dec 2012

Sacred Universal

"Why Religions have failed to unite Mankind ?."

"Religions were never designed to unite human & human. They were supposed to unite Human & God."

"They failed in both, because they never realized that in the UNITY of Human Beings, God is Born."

"Generally aren't Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma), Islam, and others Religions considered DHARMA (Righteous Conduct & Act).?


"The Time has come for the Whole World, in spite of its Diversity, to accept that the Teachings of the Ancient Divine Rishis (Sages) are the Root of All Religions, having ONE and the SAME GOAL for welfare of Living & Non living."

"There is only one DHARMA (Righteous Conduct & Act): To realize LORD ( God)."

"Whatever realization of God is not the GOAL, it is not DHARMA (RELIGION)."

"Everything else is a Display of IMPURE WORDS."

"The Practices of' Social Conductivity , Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY' begins at 'HOME'."

"Virtues that are FREE from EGO are REAL- VIRTUES."

"Defects means RAJO GUNA (disturbing qualities), and TAMO -GUNA (the quality of inertia, passivity or inactivity)."

"Virtues means SATTWA- GUNA (harmonious qualities)."

"All these are within Prarabdha {destiny} and they should all be Abandoned."

"However Defects are Unholy Tendencies and Virtues are Holy Tendencies."

"Unholy Tendencies never subside,even if they are Silenced,they rise again."

"But Holy Tendencies subside spontaneously after "Self- Realization."

"Vices are always for Worldly affairs. If virtues are dominated by EGO then they are also Vices,even if they are Harmonious in Nature."

"Virtues that are Free from EGO are REAL VIRTUES."

"This Real Virtues are inclined towards the SOUL."

"These are the HOLY TENDENCIES that subside upon Attainment of the SELF."

"What is the "CHAITNYA- DHARMA ( Religion based on consciousness)."?

"In some places in the "GITA",Karma (actin) is called Dharma,in some places YAJNA (religious sacrifice) is called Dharma,and in some places duty."

"Generally aren't Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma), Islam, and others Religions considered DHARMA.?

"There is only one DHARMA: To realize LORD ( God)."

"That is to clear the misconception that God is not realized,which means to establish oneself in Dharma through Dharma."

"Everything else is a Display of Words."
"Understand the essential meaning of Karma as Dharma.Karma full of attachment is not Dharma.Detached Karma is called Dharma because it purifies the Mind and instrumental in clearing misconception."

"When YAJNA is called Dharma, remember that Japa (chanting) is the most superior amongst all YJNAS. Doing Japa or Prayer to attain something is not YAJNA.YAJNA with the sole intention of realizing God and not for obtaining any thing else is Dharma because it destroys misconception."

"Performing one's duty without desiring any fruits is Dharma because it removes desires and destroy misconceptions."


"The Goal of Attaining God is IDENTICAL in all PATHS."
"Whatever realization of God is not the GOAL,it is not DHARMA."

"Dhrama is a devotee worshiping, a Karma Yoga performing his duties without any attachment, the Knowledge arising in an Intellectual from within, and a Yogi performing Meditation to realize God."

"A Householder living in accordance with the Scriptures to achieve detachment,this sacrifice of sense objects by an elder, and acquisition of knowledge by a celibate (Bramhachari) IS DHARMA."

"All these are helpful in leading towards GOD."

"The Goal of Attaining God is IDENTICAL in all RELIGIONS & of the UNIVERSE."PATHS."

"Whatever realization of GOD is not the GOAL,it is not DHARMA at all."

"To understand the SCRIPTURES of all Religion of World, an attitude of "EQUANIMITY" and "IMPARTIALITY" is essential in a true individual,aspirant, devotee & Sadhak."

"This "EQUANIMITY" can only arise through the Spiritual Practices.

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself (Human body & Universe is Homologous,Yatha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande)."

"This is called the individual level. The union of the whole (gross) and the conscious takes place within a person's body."

" You must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of (Slippery World)"Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity & Vices."


"Too much involvement in bodily pleasures and attachment with worldly pleasures lead to NEGLECT of Duties and ultimately to great disappointment in Precious Life."

"Having the experience of the Real False picture of one's own close relations and the world, one gets Disgusted and Realizes how futile are all relationships and attachments."

"Here the Question is not of Accumulating , but of Emptying i.e.Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality."

"LOVE is the ESSENCE of the WORLD."

"LOVE is SHIP{Subtle} that takes ONE across the OCEAN of "LIFE" & "DEATH" ."

"How long will you BURN in the FIRE of ILLUSION.?"

"Selfish Love is not Love at all {It is common among us)."

"Love rooted in attractions {Lust}no Love at all."

"This is the manifestation of Vasanas (propensity)and desires (Pleasures),which wander around at wrapped in hatred and aversion."

"Love is supported only by Love.Wherever you see hatred or any other basis for Love, understand that its its foundation is attraction or selfishness,not Love at all."

"In Love,there is no mine and yours.There is only mine.As long as there is mine and yours,there is no mine and there is no yours."

"LOVE is the ESSENCE of the WORLD.LOVE is SHIP that takes ONE across the OCEAN of "LIFE" & "DEATH" ."

"How long will you BURN in the FIRE of ILLUSION.?"

"First of ALL our MIND should be PURE toward each other."

"Celebrate Unconditional Love & Peace"
╔╗◕‿◕ ❤ "Anywhere, anytime ❤
║║╔═╦╦╦═╗ ► without judgement,
║╚╣║║║║╩╣ ► without prejudice
╚═╩═╩═╩═╩ ► without regret.
Celebrate love every Movement & minute of every day ► Today & every day ► give love, be loving, be lovable & be open to receiving love, every kind of love that exists Permanently ► for love is affordable for all & though its cost nothing, it grows in interest with nil capital investment. Money can't buy your love but love can open many doors. Watch your investment of love grow and soak in its divinity of energy. "

♫♫.•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥ ¸.•*¨`*•.♫♫❤
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"We Must be Proof our selves that "WE" are the "BOON", not the "CURSE" at all for Family, Society & so forth."

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."

"Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality)}"


"Every Religion treatise is supported by a particular vocabulary,style and experience,often various texts seem to contradict each other."

"Careful and unbiased observation reveals all of them say the same element of Lord Being(God)."

"The differences is due to country,time,condition,theauthor's personal experiences and presentation method of the subject."

"Vedanta is a highly advanced true social and spiritual knowledge (jnana) in which all subjects have been reviewed from the angle of knowledge."

"The chetana has also been called 'prajnanna' 'elaboration of the lower levels of sadhan is almost negligible in Vedanta."

"Generally more stress has been laid on throwing light on Bramha (Lord Being,God ). On the contrary,Yoga does not difficult task of lifting up the normal being from lower levels and provides him with an introduction to Sadhan."

"The subject of yoga is not describing the higher states of knowledge, but rather untying or resolving the knot of Sadhan."

"The same is the case with devotional texts.Their Sadhan is only love for Lord being (God)."

" They do not break their heads on the very advanced elements of knowledge.In this way, the various texts of knowledge,devotion and yoga each have a vocabulary and a way of Sadhan of their own."

"They have their own levels.It ia natural for Sadhan and beliefs of an aspirant of a lower level to be different from those of an aspirant of a higher level."

"When the lower aspirant attains the higher level,these is a change in the nature of this Sadhan and beliefs."

"The difficulty arises when an aspirant leaps ahead and directly associates with false understanding of the tenets of Vedanta true knowledge.Even though the knowledge immolated by Vedanta is true, he flies and roams in imaginations."

"The more a true individual,aspirant bears these storms,the clear his path of Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality (selflessness) becomes."

"A true individual,and aspirant undergoes a Great Deal of Mental Turmoil in this process,but bearing in Joyous Manner is PENANCE."

"Without giving up attachment ,WORLDLY objects cannot be given up."

"The person who uses his body and sense organs to indulge in WORLDLY objects suffer of much pain and sorrow in the same body."

"His body becomes his worst HELL."

"But one who has no Desire for WORLDLY objects spends his LIFE in BLISS."

"HEAVEN is Symbolic of a Place where there are no Sorrows."

"The HU-MAN of TODAY is Bent on Reducing his SWEETNESS by picking UNRIPE MANGOES,and then Ripening them with CHEMICALS i.e. UNNATURAL."

"If you want to know anything fundamentally or to get the 'position of GOD or SUPREME, you must get 'Tattvagyan'(Pure & True Knowledge via Self Realization) only because nothing is left unknown fundamentally if you get Tattvagyan which is all the Perfect."

"Then you will find yourself becoming as Perfect as a Supreme Person after getting this Tattvagyan or this KNOWLEDGE."

Lord Ganeshji

"Lord Ganeshji given the Technic of SHORT Hand to World"
(keep quick & timely notes).

"Lord Ganeshji may be called the FIRST Short -Hand Writer of the World."

"When composing the Great Divine Epic MAHABHARA ,the DIVINE Sage Shri 108 VEDVYASHJI, needed a scribe of exceptional speed to write down the 'Slokes' as they flowed rapidly from the Lord Mother Kunadalini, Daksina Murty, Chitta (mind stuff,psyche) & mouth."

" Why did Divine Saint Ved Vyas request Lord Ganesha to transcribe his Mahabharata & Gita?

"When Divine Saint Rishi Ved Vyasji, on Lord Brahma’s recommendation, requests Lord Ganesha to write the first copy of the Mahabharata at his dictation, Ganesha accepts the proposal on the condition that his pen should not stop even for a moment during the writing process. To ensure himself some time for thinking, Vyas accepts Ganesha’s condition with a witty reply, “Sure, but please do not write without understanding it.”

"In this short divine play, does Ved Vyas need something more than transcription from Ganesha? Is there a deeper meaning behind his imposing the condition of “understanding” on Ganesha, who, being the Lord of knowledge, can comprehend everything even before a poet utters it? Vyas knows that the Mahabharata is destined to guide humanity for ages and a section in it, the Bhagavad Gita, is to be recognized as the most authoritative text in Sanatana Dharma. Supposedly, Vyas’s idea is to obtain some blessings for his prospective readers. He wants Ganesha to bless the manuscript by making it everlastingly understandable. Also, he wants Ganesha to bless his future readers by eliminating probable obstacles from their minds, a task Ganesha is known for."

"Because humans read what they want to read and can always miss the author’s conclusion in books, particularly scriptures, even the work of a divine author can face obstacles in the form of distrust and ambiguity in a reader’s mind & chitta (mind stuff,psyche)."

" Such mental obstacles, to make things worse, are hardly noticeable. If the remover of all obstacles himself transcribes a book, no mental (or spiritual) impediments can emerge, at least in the minds of devotees, who read with preinstalled faith in the Divine. And this is exactly what happened. Besides removing obstacles to popularity, worth, and clarity, Lord Ganesha blessed the epic with auspiciousness and even the potential to liberate the reader."

"Only Ganeshji proved equal to the task.In picture of Ganeshji & Vedvyash shows sheets of papers in front of Ganeshji."

"The message is that,to do a job well,we should try ti keep quick timely notes lest we forgot necessary details and get in to troubles.""Divine Mantra of Lord Ganesh With Ridhi-Sidh(HIS DIVINE POWER)i."



"जय जय जय वंदन भुवन, नंदन गौरिगणेश ।
दुख द्वंद्वन फंदन हरन,सुंदर सुवन महेश ॥"

"O Ganesh! Glory – to you the whole world is paying,
You the delight of Gauri and Shiva – their son charming,
You – the destroyer of all problems accumulating,
You – to everybody be happiness ever conferring."

"What is KUNDALINI SHAKTI {Consciousness of divine power,spiritual Energy,Spiritual Power}: JADA (matter,Gross) or Chetana( consciousness"?

"The Ancient and Mysterious Divine Mother Kundalini, spoken of in all the world’s Great Religions as Isis, Mary, Maya, Cybele, Ima, Hera,Maa,Amma, Shakti, Durga, Athena, and countless more."

"The important things is Inner Awakening rather than Philosophies,Paths,Doctrines or Feelings."

"SHAKTI {spiritual Energy,Spiritual Power} of the three types: Jada (gross) Chetana (consciousness) & Chaitnya (the conscious - self or universal consciousness)."

"The Jada - Shakti is that energy which manifests in non living matter e,g. the power of lighting,thunder,hydro power,wind power."

"Such energy is raw power without any capacity to regulate itself."

"An electric Fan,for example: cannot shut itself off even the blast of air from it is no longer needed."

"The second type of power,Chetana Shakti,is that which regiuate the Senses,Mind,Intellect and ego."

"It manifests itself as the power of discrimination of the Human intellect and distinguishes between good and bad."

"The third power is Chaitnya Shkti(the conscious - self or universal consciousness) which is at the root of manifestationn of this external world."

"Rivers,mountains,oceans,seas ,birds ,animals,sun ,moon,stars and space are all created by it."

"All that can be seen and perceived is the result of the vibration of this power."

"This universal power,when acting in a body through the medium of senses and performing worldly deeds,is called conscious power."

"Similarly ,when Chetana Shakti is awakened,activated and made introspective,it purifies the CHITTA {mind stuff,psyche} & becomes SHAKTI (divine power) itself."

"THE Pure Knowledge OF "Mantra"."

"MANTRA" is related to philology (BHASGA VIGYAN);and it has three limbs.Varna means the basic alphabet.By joining letters words are formed."

"By combining words a 'MANTRA' is formed.Some mantras are called 'BEEJA' mantras or "SEED" mantras.In a 'BEEJA' mantras each letter is a 'MANTRA'. In other words,it each seed ,or letter,a word and a 'MANTRA' are included."

"A sadhan of Japa is pathway to go from lower to a higher level,or to go inward (within) from outward."

"In other words, this is the path from "MATERILIALISM" to "SPIRITUALITY",starting with language, which is a part of this world and also part of physically-expressed speech."

"The purification of letters,words and mantras inspire purification of chitta (mind -stuff,psyche),meaning and sentiments in the mantra strike the mind and enthuse in to awaken.Some aspirants starts to have "SPONTANEOUS " Pranayaam by doing japa,which is a sign of "AWAKENINGS"."

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"


"Before we proceed further for Social Conductibility,Religiosity & Spirituality it is necessary first to have a
clear Idea of what the MIND{Chitta(mind stuff,psyche)} is ?"


"Vedas have Described it as WATER perhaps because of the NUCLEAR HYDROGEN,a Major Constituent of Water."


"If the "Theory of Evolution" of Life from matter were accepted,these particles must be supposed to be possessed of a Third Charge of Life,Co-Existent with the charges of Electricity,because no animate organism can possibly be evolved out of mere Lifeless electrically charged atoms of HYDROGEN.if 'ANIMUS' is not existent there."

"From what is seen on this GLOBE it can be UNIVERSALLY assumed that the Cosmic Existence is a display of two Forces,Animate & Inanimate."

"To a materialist life has no existence independent of matter,which in one of its phases is supposed to evolve consciousness called Life,there exists therefore no God,no Soul."


"Modern Scientists define matter as some substance-lifeless no doubt,which takes up the form of all solids,liquids and gases,and can be destroyed of ultimately small particles calls molecules,which can further be decomposed into a number of Atoms."

"Atom is the smallest particle of an element,and molecule is the smallest particle of a compound."

"Chemistry has found out a number of elementary subsistence,the simplest known constituents of all compound substances ,they are named elements,and the smallest particles of these elements are called atoms."

"Again all the different kinds of atoms can be broken or dissolved through Radio-Activity into another class of still smaller particles,which are made up of electrons with a Proton at the centre and they form a single class of substance."


Proton is a positivity charged Atom of Hydrogen with electricity serving as a NUCLEUS with Varying Number of Electrons evolving round it.

Each Electron is a particle with a negative charge of electricity in mass less than a thousandth part of an Atom of HYDROGEN."

"Electron is not of matter as the term may be understood to signify,but is a Granulated Particle of Negative Charge of Electricity.Electron with a Proton at the center form one Particle."

"If the "Theory of Evolution" of Life from matter were accepted,these particles must be supposed to be possessed of a Third Charge of Life,Co-Existent with the charges of Electricity,because no animate organism can possibly be evolved out of mere Lifeless electrically charged atoms of HYDROGEN.if 'ANIMUS' is not existent there."


"Therefore we are Led to Believe that the Fundamental Electronic Particles are formed of some Cosmic Energy possessing LIFE,it may either Reflect Life or is Itself a FORM of the "LIFE -PRINCIPLE."

"All Chemical,Physical or Organic changes do not Create Matter,they simply imply a change of form and composition."

"The Fundamental Particles remain as such,no matter how they combine in the course of the Multifarious Creative Process through changes in their juxtapositions.Before creation comes into being the vast expanse of these electronic particles forms an Ocean of a Substance,perhaps the same as "AMBHAS" of the VEDAS Emanating from the "ADHYATAMABHAVA" of the ALMIGHTY,i.e.,HIS BHOOTDBHAVA on the physical plane."

"Vedas have Described it as WATER perhaps because of the NUCLEAR HYDROGEN,a Major Constituent of Water."

"Mahavakya - The Great Sentences, Speech {VANI,Subtle}."
"Mahavakya, or "The Great Sentences (VANI) ", state the unity of Brahman and Atman."

"There are many such sentences in the Vedas, however only one such sentence from each of the four Vedas is usually chosen. They are shown below
Sr. No. Vakya Meaning Upanishad Veda."

1 प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म (pragñānam brahma) Consciousness is Brahman Aitareya V.3 Rgveda."

2. अहं ब्रह्मास्मि (aham brahmāsmi) I am Brahman Brhadāranyaka I.4.10 Sukla Yajurveda."

3. तत्त्वमसि (tat tvam asi) That thou art Chandogya VI.8.7 Samaveda."

4. अयमात्मा ब्रह्म (ayamātmā brahma) This Atman is Brahman Mandukya II Atharvaveda."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY.

as an Ayurvedic

"Divine Bhang has become an integral part of Tradition and Custom in Religious as well Spiritual in the Indian subcontinent. It has become symbolic for many things as it is associated with Lord Shiva because it itself having Natural Healing Divine Power."

"It started as an Ayurvedic & Traditional medicine in Indian Sub continent since the ancient time."

"If any Individual want to recover early as possible "FROM HIS DECEASE" must Chant this Divine Mantra "9 (NINE)" times before taking any MEDICINE & Say to LORD(GOD)
please & please destroy our Sins of Previous Birth with own Faith, Emotion & Feeling."

"This Divine Matra Emerges the NATURAL HEALING of MEDICINE."


"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."

"Frequently Truth finds Truth and Falsehood finds Falsehood."

"The Present Era is an Era dominated by Intellect."

" DIVINE Bhang (Hindi: भांग, [bʱaːŋɡ]; Punjabi: ਭੰਗ [pə̀ŋɡ]; Bengali: ভাং; [bʱaŋ]) is a preparation from the leaves and flowers (buds) of the female cannabis plant, smoked or consumed as a beverage in the Indian subcontinent. Bhang is illegal in any country where cannabis is prohibited."

"Bhang has become an integral part of tradition and custom in Religious as well Spiritual in the Indian subcontinent. It has become symbolic for many things as it is associated with Lord Shiva."

"Bhang has been used as a cheap intoxicant for centuries in the sub-continent. Bhang in India is distributed as a religious offering during Shiva festivals like "Mahashivratri"."

" It has now become synonymous with the Holi festival, to the point where consuming bhang at that time is a standard practice. It is also available as Bhang golis (balls) which is just freshly ground hemp with water. Apart from this, sweetened bhang golis are also widely available. These are not considered a drug, but a traditional sleeping aid and appetizer. Bhang is also part of many Ayurvedic medicinal preparations, e.g. bhang powder is available at Ayurvedic dispensaries."

"Bhang Ki Thandai also known as Sardai is a drink popular in many parts of sub-continent which is made by mixing bhang with thandai, a cold beverage prepared with almonds, spices (mainly black pepper), milk and sugar."


"Bhang was first used as part of the Hindu rite in India around 1000 BC[citation needed] and soon became an integral part of Hindu culture. The herb was devoted to Lord Shiva on Shivratri, a Hindu festival."

"Sadhus and Sufis use Bhang to boost meditation and to achieve transcendental states. Bhang or cannabis is also used amongst Sufis as an aid to spiritual ecstasy."

"The Nihang sect of the Sikh community are one of the consumers of bhang as a pain relaxer from battle wounds.
Though its strictly prohbited to consumes for pleasure in Sikhism and is followed very loyally .

It started as an Ayurvedic medicine whose main use for the Nihangs was to aid in reducing pain from battle wounds, and digestive assistant called Sukhnidhan."


"Anywhere on the ghats, one can find large number of men engaged in the process of preparing bhang. Using mortar and pestle, the buds and leaves of cannabis are ground into a green paste. To this mixture milk, ghee and spices are added. The bhang base is now ready to be made into a heavy drink, thandai, an alternative to alcohol; this is often referred to casually, if inaccurately, as a "bhang Thandai" also "Bhang LASSI" (made of Curd ). Bhang is also mixed with ghee and sugar to make a green halva, and into peppery, chewy little balls called 'golee' (which in this context means candy or pill in Hindi)."

"In Pakistan-administered Kashmir, a common preparation for bhang consists of first boiling the leaves and flowers of the female cannabis plant for a short time. Once the plant matter has become soft, it is mixed with khas khas or white opium poppy seed. The two ingredients are pulverized with a mortar and pestle for 30-60 minutes (adding a few drops of water now and again to keep the paste moist). The paste is then mixed with water by hand and the mixture is poured through a straining cloth to remove all excess plant matter. The remaining green water is known locally as "bhang" and consumed as is. The usage of oil-rich seeds allows THC, the fat-soluble psychoactive chemical from the cannabis, to be extracted into the poppy oil so that potency can be retained in a water-based mixture."


"Bhang has become an integral part of tradition and custom in the Indian subcontinent. It has become symbolic for many things as it is associated with Lord Shiva."

"In some sections of rural India, people believe in the medicinal properties of the cannabis plant. If taken in proper quantity, bhang is believed to cure fever, dysentery and sunstroke, to clear phlegm, aide digestion, appetite, cure speech imperfections and lisping, and give alertness to the body.Bhang lassi is a preparation of powdered green inflorescence with curd and whey put in a village blender (a hand blending operation is carried out till the butter rises). It is regarded as tasty and greatly refreshing, with one or two large glasses having little effect. Bhang goli, on the other hand, hits after approximately two hours, sending one into a dreamlike state."

"The tradition of consuming bhang during Holi is particularly common in North India where Holi itself is celebrated with a fervor unseen elsewhere. Bhang is heavily consumed in Mathura, an ancient town of religious importance to the Hindus. Here the practice is believed to have been introduced by the followers of Lord Krishna and has stayed over since. They begin the preparation by Sanskrit chants and recitation of prayers to Lord Shiva. Some people from Mathura take Bhang to work up their appetite while others do it to relieve themselves of stress. But the hub of bhang use is Varanasi or Banaras, the Land of Shiva, where the bhang is prepared on its famous ghats."


"As Bhang has served such an important role in India's culture and spiritual practices it would be impossible to criminalize cannabis completely in the country. Cultivation of cannabis is government regulated, and illegal without a government permit. Sale of bhang is also government regulated and illegal without a permit."

"Bhang is illegal in any country where cannabis is prohibited as it is an integral part of the recipe."


"If All Doctrines Lead to the same God, then why this Mutual Animosity and Arguments?."

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."


"Hinduism, Christianity, Islam & other religion are not only Dharma,but also doctrines which suggest the means of moving towards dharma."

Maharajshri (Guru Tattwa) also presented the subject here with the help of speech. When Maharajshri talked it felt as if he had Vak-siddhi [the power of spoken words to make reality ."

"Repetition of a Mantra [japa] is equally accepted by All Religions, All paths as an important part of spiritual practice."

" Japa hits every breath like a hammer and directly strikes the mind and prana, the life-force. Japa is regarded as the main means for awakening Shakti."

" On the other hand, in scriptures and the writings of saints, the grace of the Guru is said to be the main factor and the knowledge of Shaktipat (awakening of divine power) depends on the grace of a Guru."

" As far as anavi [individual] practices are concerned, Mantra-japa and Pranayaam are the two primary practices. In today's age, the right environment for Pranayaam is very hard to find,but everyone can do mantra¬japa, thus it is said to be the primary practice. In the path of Shaktipat also, the Guru gives Shaktipat through a mantra [sound]."

"Mantra is related to philology. the science of language, and it has three limbs. Varna means the basic alphabet. By joining letters words are formed. By combining words a mantra is formed. Some mantras are called "beeja" mantras, or "seed" mantras. In a beeja mantra each letter is a mantra. In other words, in each seed, or letter, a word and a mantra are included."

" A Sadhan of Japa is a pathway to go from a lower to a higher level, or to go inward from outward. In other words, this is the path from materialism to spirituality, starting with language, which is a part of this world and also a part of physically-expressed speech."

"The purification of letters, words and mantra inspire purification of the mind. Meanings and sentiments in the mantra strike the mind and enthuse it to awaken. Some aspirants start to have spontaneous pranayaam by doing japa, which is a sign of awakening."

"The world is a world of dualities.There is no bright side without a dark one. Pleasures and pains are inseparable twain,one has no meaning without the other,they are relative terms."

Sacred Universal

"Enthusiasm with positive Attitude & Perceptive." and Patience v\s Encouragement with positive Attitude & Perceptive."."

"Established to explore the MYSTIC SUBTLE SCIENCES of VEDANTA without Duality (dvaita) to over come the *Global Warming* through Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity, Yoga, Meditation, Tantra, Mantra, Japa, Sadhan, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche), Herbs, Healing through Ayurveda & Naturopathy i.e. Five Divine Tattwa i.e. Earth, water, Air, Fire & Ether,, Astrology, Samudrik - Science (palmistry), Birth & Rebirth, Par- Kaya Pravesh ( enter in others Body), Samadhi, Telepathy, Shastriya Sangit (music) therapy, Para- Psychology, Trance, and other Supra- Natural and Para- normal Divine phenomena."

*~"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?~*

"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?

"If you are a Hindu, be a better Hindu."
"If you are a Christian, be a better Christian."
"If you are a Muslim, be a better Muslim."
"If you are Jew, be a Better Jew & so forth through Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity."

"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" the True & Pure knowledge of Hinduism (Sanatans)."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" the power of the Muslim Religion."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" Love & Service of the Christian Religion."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" Peace of the Buddhist "
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" Ahimsa (non -violence) of the in Jainism."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" Sikhism of the enjoy."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" the purity of Mind & Chitta of the Sanatan Religion ."

"You make a Religion of all Religions,
including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength,
"What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( ♥श्री ॐ♥", Religion based on Consciousness)?

"A Mind reequipped with DISCRETION is called DISCIPLINED MIND."

"DIVINE Saint, and including the great men, after considering everything very carefully, Divinity, Practically to their conclusions for welfare of Living & Non-Living"

1.Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

2.Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply (imaginary beliefs) because it is found written in your religious books.

3.Do not believe in anything merely (imaginary beliefs) on the authority of your teachers and elders.

4.Do not believe in traditions (imaginary beliefs) because they have been handed down for many generations.

5.But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."

"Lord created Living Being LIFE "ONE for ALL & All for ONE"(COEXIST)."

"The distinction between MORAL and IMMORAL is lost to every individual beings."

"Enthusiasm with positive Attitude & Perceptive." and Patience v\s Encouragement with positive Attitude & Perceptive."."

"For Progress in life, being cautious is as important as enthusiasm and patience."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects of Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity & Vices & so forth."

"As long as the MIND of Person clings to the World,it goes on BLOOMING and WILTING,Spreading and Drying along with the Universe.(Yatha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande,Human Body & Universe is Homologous)."

"The real cause of suffering is Illusion & Prarabdha (destiny created by past karma) in the human mind, which has made room for itself there for life."

"Attachment and ego arise due to the Illusion & Prarabdha (destiny,past karma)."

" The same Illusion & Prarabdha (destiny, past karma) is the basis for the belief that the world causes suffering."

"The Natural Defects of Human Being & self realization of Human Being'"

"The MIND is GREEDY for the GROSS while the ENTIRE function of Social Conductivity & SPIRITUALITY is to move from physical GROSSNESS to ASTRAL SUBTLETY."

"It is this TUSSLE which is the REAL PROBLEM in the System of SPIRITUAL -SADHAN (Spiritual Practices)."

"For Progress in life,being cautious is as important as enthusiasm and patience."

"Some people become cautious by seeing someone else fall,others become cautious if they fall once ."

"Most do not become cautious even after seeing someone else fall,or after they themselves fall."

"Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality,within)}."

"For the Gentleman, True Individual Beings, Aspirant , Devotee & Saints the Entire World is their "HOME"."

"These all ATTEMPT(within) must be without EGO like MOTHER TERESA & MAHATMA GANDHI & countless Spiritual Magnates, Great being."

"Life is for welfare for Living & non living,follow it."

"Life is for co- ordination for Living being, do it."

"Life is for Non Violence, follow it."

"Life is for Pure Karma, follow it."

"Life is for Liberation, purify mind & chitta."

"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it."

"Life is beauty, admire it."

"Life is bliss, taste it."

"Life is a dream, realize it."

"Life is a challenge, meet it."

"Life is a duty, complete it."

"Life is a game, play it."

"Life is a promise, fulfill it."

"Life is sorrow, overcome it."

"Life is a song, sing it."

"Life is a struggle, accept it."

"Life is a tragedy, confront it."

"Life is an adventure, dare it."

"Life is luck, make it."

"Life is too precious, do not destroy it."

"Life is life, fight for it with positive Attitude & Perceptive."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of "Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity & Vices & so forth."