11 Dec 2012


"Louise de Beer's " True Story"

"The Bond of any work(Karma) and its results (Bondage, Karma - 
Fal -Bandhan ) is the Universal TRUTH of the Nature."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"Tossing of coin & the occurrence of the joy and sorrow is totally dependent on the ultimate bond of the "task and its results " means PRARABDHA - KARMA(may ...say NEMESIS or DESTINY,ripened samsakars (accumulated Impressions))"

"How long will you burn in the FIRE of ILLUSION & EGO as well PRIDE.?."


"The Time has come for the Whole World, in spite of its Diversity, to accept that the Teachings of the Ancient Divine Rishis (Sages) are the Root of All Religions, having ONE and the SAME GOAL for welfare of Living & Non living."

"TOTAL MOCKERY of the PRARABDHA (destiny created by past karma)."

"Every "CAUSE (Positive & Negative)" in the individual beings ' LIFE' in the Universe is the "TOTAL MOCKERY of the PRARBDHA."

"To begin with the 'SAMSAKARS (accumulated impressions), these are very very easy to accumulate them."

"But many births are needed to destroy them and many positive efforts have to be performed."

"Once a Samskars arises and affects the Chitta ( mind stuff),the Samskars germinates and sprouts FOLIAGE.
It starts to develop branches and sub branches."

"Individual could have accumulated so many Samskars that liberation from that web of Samskars would have taken births after births."

"While,on the one hand,individual Samskars continued to multiply,on the other, at the same time, due to Bhakti ,Sadhan,Prayer,Chanting of Mantra (it should be awakened),duty,pious deeds,they where reduced to ASHES."

"Whether it is time for Prayer,Japa or Sadhan or for Social Interaction,a Mental state of Surrender and Love , devoid of Attachment and Aversion, should be continuously maintained."

"For this there is a need to maintain a constant Vigil on the Mind."

"If this process is disturbed even for moment ,the Mind will create some Mischief or the Other."

"The MIND ,always Unstable and Restless ,is unwilling to stop at any object or place."

"While doing Prayer,Japa or Sadhan or for Social Interaction it is even more active."

"Louise de Beer"
(These two True Story indicate toward the Prarbadha (destiny, past karma) is Universal Invisible Law applicable to Every Individual.")."
Guru Tattwa,"Louise de Beer,Poetca,Prarabdha

"I ("Louise de Beer")want to tell you a true story about a woman who had only one child, a daughter who suddenly died at the age of about seven years old—

"This woman was out of her wits with grief and begged God to bring her daughter to life again—Her prayer was answered and the girl recovered, but as she grew up she became a real menace to her mother, and eventually she even prostituted herself, causing her mother to suffer immense pain and grief, to such extend that her broken-hearted mother eventually said, that she was sorry that she prayed to God to bring her back to life!

"When my own son was brain-damaged at the age of one year old, and suffered the agonies of hellish pain, getting one fit after another, eventually I couldn’t stand it anymore to see him suffering like that, and then I prayed to God to please take him HOME, instead of letting him suffer like that—Well, my prayer wasn’t answered, and my son continued to suffer, and my whole family suffered along with him for many decades."

"Now, the day I KNOW why all things happen the way it does, like CHRIST YESHUA did, I will also KNOW that I have absolute PERFECT GOD-UNION!."

"The Wheel of TIME & Prarbdha {destiny , ripened samskars (accumulated Impressions)} is TURNING and we are moving with it automatically."

"We do not even know that we are moving. We do not even know that we are have become TOTAL IGNORANT."

"Tossing of coin & the occurrence of the joy and sorrow is totally dependent on the ultimate bond of the "task and its results " means PRARABDHA - KARMA(may ...say NEMESIS or DESTINY)"

"The bond of "any work and its results" (Karma-Fal -Bandhan )is the universal TRUTH of the Nature."

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