10 Dec 2012


"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Ba

lanced State of Mind & CHITTA."

"Why we does not respect 'SELFLESSNESS.?
"It is believed that no one can be 'SELFLESS'."

"One does not have to build the *TEMPLE*of the heart & mind."

"However,great preparations must be made to *TRANSFORMS* the Heart & Mind in to a *TEMPLE*."

"If your heart & mind shines like a temple,the bats of jealousy,aversion.lust and anger are drives out."

"The filth of samskars (Accumulated Impression)and vasana (propensity)(Prarbdha,destiny)) is thrown out, and it is painted with the color of love and devotion."

"Then it will not be long before LORD (God) comes to adorn the temple of your heart & mind.And where does the Lord of your heart & mind come from."

"He simply manifest from within.You are not aware of the fact that you always carry God within you."

"It is like searching every where for your spectacles when you are already wearing them."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Ba
lanced State of Mind & CHITTA."

"Why we does not respect 'SELFLESSNESS.?
"It is believed that no one can be 'SELFLESS'."

"It is a giver of 'TOLERANCE' and 'FORGIVENESS.Do not opposite it.WELCOME IT."

"In general,people in the world are 'IGNORANT'." "No body aware of Attachment & Aversions."

*"This Simple Spiritual Way for ALL individual beings."*

"The Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

"Every Religion of universe & its followers having their own mind state according to their Prarbdha(DESTINY,PAST KARMA)."

"So they think like that & react according to their mind state."

"This create the Illusion among us.'

"The nature law is the same & homologous in universe."

"But the individual being react according to their Prarbdha."

"To Transform the individual MIND in to DIVINE- TEMPLE"

"Why we does not respect 'SELFLESSNESS.?
"It is believed that no one can be 'SELFLESS'.

"Only in a balanced state of the Mind be filled with Unconditional- Love."

"If the Human Mind is peaceful then the whole world is at unconditional LOVE & PEACE automatically."

"The essence of all these are that human being of universe wander in the search of Love & Peace,how can they find it where it does not exist.?"

"The world goes through constant change (generate,operate & destroy )."

"There is no stability in the world due to the Prarbdha (accumulated impressions,PAST KARMA,ACTIONS)."

"Love & Peace are in stability of Mind,thus there is no Love & Peace in the world."

"Love & Peace are not the things of the world,these are the state of individual's Mind & Chitta ( mind stuff,psyche)."

"If the MIND is PEACEFUL then the whole world is at unconditional love & Peace."

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