17 Dec 2012


" LORD MOTHER KUNDALINII & Dakshina Murty." ( SUBTLE Resultant Result & Force (energy) of All Chakras )

"Knowledge Of Divine Energy - Divya- GYAN: What is the Dakshina Moorty ?."

"What is KUNDALINI SHAKTI {Consciousness of divine power,spiritual Energy,Spiritual Power}: JADA (matter,Gross or Chetana( consciousness"?

"The Ancient and Mysterious "Divine Mother Kundalini", spoken of in all the world’s Great Religions as Isis, Mary, Maya, Cybele, Ima,Mummy, Hera, Maa, Amma, Shakti, Durga, Athena, and countless more."

" The first thing that must be understood is the exact meaning of Dakshina."

" In the Dakshina Moorty Upanishad, the meaning of Dakshina is given in the following manner:
That buddhi or intellect, which is the tattwa (the true principle), jnana (the true knowledge), and rupini, (one who assumes all the forms in the universe) and shines due to the light of Brahma, is Dakshina."

"She is the mouth of, or the entrance into, the manifestation of the Divine Principle."

" The proponents of Brahma (the Absolute, the self-existent spirit) call it Dakshinamukh Shiva(Lord)."

"This means that Dakshinamukh is not a combination of the words Dakshin and aamukh (facing south) but Dakshina and much (mouth or door)."

" Generally it is interpreted to mean Dakshinaamukh, that is, facing south!."

"But, according to the Upanishad, it is the Shakti (divine Power) of the soul, because the intellect is also the activity of this Shakti that reflects the knowing aspect (the giver of knowledge) of the soul upon the chitta (mind stuff,psyvhe)."

"This same Shakti is also the cause of knowledge of the world in the form of intellect, and also the opening, or door, to knowledge of the self."

"The Lord is also the essence of Shakti, and hence the Lord himself is called Dakshina Moorty. He is the Guru, he is the goal, and he is also the means of achieving it."

"Mind & Chitta is regarded by the Indian Divine Saints as made up of a very fine substance even finer than 'ETHER' known as 'CHITTAKASHA'."

"For understanding the relationship of MANTRAS with the science of Yoga it is necessary to know the relation of the alphabet with them ."

"Sanstrit Mantras and names of God are therefore generally composed of such letters; for instance we have

Om,Hari,Har,Ram,Shiva,Isha,Frim.Aeim(Aim),Shrim (Shreem),Hum etc."

"According to the effect of sound all the vowels are mainly connected wit "IDA' nadi.Again ,short vowels pertain to "PINGALA' nadi.long pertain to IDA and four vowels 'ए E' Ai, O,Au to Sushumna."

"The nasal sound pertains to ATMA and Visargs to Shakti (divine Power)."

"Twenty five consonants from Ka to Ma are mainly coonected with Pingala nadi and nine semi- consonants and sibilants are connected with Sushumna."

"Nasal sounds (Anuswar) pertain to Atma and Visarega to Shakti."

"Prounnciation affects the motor nerves of tongue and acts on the sensory nerves of touch,throat,palate,node,upper teeth and lips and thus acts on the cerebellum,the hinder and lower parts of the brain near "AJNA CHAKRA",the seat of the most of the nrves of cranial system and as such falls under Fatha Yoga."

"Sound acts on the Auditory nerves and stikes the Auditory sensory centres in the Brain and as such ,falls under LAYA YOGA; whereas its meaning influences the Mind and such the Mind with Emotion of Love,Plesures <Peace and Devotion which forms the Branch of BHAVA YOGA or BHAKTI YOGA."

"Then the Spiritual Power embodied in that Manta sprouts in the heart of the disciple and develops in the form of the particular deity invoked by their particular Mantra,manifestation in the aspirant corresponding Divine Power and Spiritual faculties,thus the consequent triad comes into manifestation in the disciple of the Deity Concerned, HIS form and HIS Power."

"In this way the God in master descends as Guru in the disciple.We have therefore a chain of Impersonal God:God as Shakti, God as Mantra,God as the particular Deity manifesting Himself in the heart of aspirant in a particular form (Murti),and God as Guru."

'ऊँ''OM, अ (A)-ब्रह्मा, उ(U)-विष्णु, म्‌(M)-महेश ."

"ऐं(AEIM) E=Swarswati,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs.Lord Swarswati destroy our griefs i.e. Aghyan(Darkness of Knowledge)."

"ह्रीं (Hrim) ह H=Shiv,Rरं=Nature,i=Maya,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs."

"श्रीं(Shrim),श S=Lakhmi,R=Prosperity,I=Satisfaction,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs."

"क्लीं(Klim),क K=Krishna,L=Lord Indra,I=Satisfaction,,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e. Lust particular."

"हिलीम्‌(Hlim),ह H=Shiva,L=Baglamukhimi & NatureI=Satisfaction,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e.All Vasana(Propensity),Vices,Attachment,Ego & so forth."

"Sanstrit Mantras and names of God are therefore generally composed of such letters; for instance we have Om,Hari,Har,Ram,Shiva,Isha,Hrim.Aiem(Aim),Shrim (Shreem),Hum etc."

"The Mantras for the attainment of Moksha (Liberation) end with Namah, Swaha(wife of fire also), Hum etc,'K' is also often added as in Shanker, Krishna, Kali Klim(Kleem), as it stands for "BRAHMAN-"K BRAHMA (LORD,GOD)".

"MANTRAS are also recited in order to attain such State."

"Evolution of Life to GOD realization is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the real EVOLUTION."

"Prayer,Japa & Sadhan are like a LAMP in the HAND.As you keep moving forward the light will also keep moving FORWARD."

"It will continue to ILLUMINATE the ROAD further. In the LAMP the inclination towards Prayer,Japa & Sadhan are the WICK and, Prayer,Japa & Sadhan are the OIL."

"If you stop doing Prayer,Japa & Sadhan then the LAMP will EXTINGUISH."

"If the INCLINATION towards Prayer,Japa & Sadhan is removed then the LAMP will be turned off."

"But if you takes LAMP in YOUR HAND & START moving ahead it will keep ILLUMINATING the PATH AHEAD."

"Once you reach the DESTINATION,the LAMP will AUTOMATICALLY be SET ASIDE."

THE DIVINE ADVAITA (non duality) "MANTRA" {One for all & All for One}."
"Every human being should be chanta this Mantra with their own feeling, emotion & FAITH and to destroy their accumulated Prarbdha-Karma (accumulated impressions), the following every day at the appointed time."

1.''Om Aeim Hrim Shrim Klim Hlim Om jiva Nirjiv Kalayankari Param Maa-Parmeshwari Namo Namaha.''

2."Om Aeim Hrim Shrim klim Hlim Om Shiv Shakti Bhyam Namoha Namaha."





Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"


"What is KUNDALINI SHAKTI {Consciousness of divine power,spiritual Energy,Spiritual Power}: JADA (matter,Gross)
or Chetana( consciousness"?

"The Ancient and Mysterious "Divine Mother Kundalini", spoken of in all the world’s Great Religions as Isis, Mary, Maya, Cybele, Ima,Mummy, Hera, Maa, Amma, Shakti, Durga, Athena, and countless more."

"The important things is Inner Awakening rather than Philosophies,Paths,Doctrines or Feelings."

"SHAKTI {spiritual Energy,Spiritual Power} of the three types: Jada (gross) Chetana (consciousness) & Chaitnya (the conscious - self or universal consciousness)."

"The Jada - Shakti is that energy which manifests in non living matter e,g. the power of lighting,thunder,hydro power,wind power."

"Such energy is raw power without any capacity to regulate itself."

"An electric Fan,for example: cannot shut itself off even the blast of air from it is no longer needed."

"The second type of power,Chetana Shakti,is that which regiuate the Senses,Mind,Intellect and ego."

"It manifests itself as the power of discrimination of the Human intellect and distinguishes between good and bad."

"The third power is Chaitnya Shkti(the conscious - self or universal consciousness) which is at the root of manifestationn of this external world."

"Rivers,mountains,oceans,seas ,birds ,animals,sun ,moon,stars and space are all created by it."

"All that can be seen and perceived is the result of the vibration of this power."

"This universal power,when acting in a body through the medium of senses and performing worldly deeds,is called conscious power."

"Similarly ,when Chetana Shakti is awakened,activated and made introspective,it purifies the CHITTA {mind stuff,psyche} & becomes SHAKTI (divine power) itself."
"The TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

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