11 Dec 2012


"The entire world is tied with the consciousness of 'SHAKTI' , Divine Power (Maha- Laxmi,Maha-
 Swarswati & Maha- Kali ) of Lord Being (GOD)."

*The TOTAL CAUSE of our current PITIABLE STATE is the our RIGHTEOUS ACT & Social Conduct."

"The True & Pure Knowledge of the Past, Present & Future--all exist WITHIN the INNER SELF of Every Individual Beings."

"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE , TRUE &PURE Knowledge is within, a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"All different ways of worship prescribed by different Religious Sects aim at this very spiritual communion , which is possible by complete merger of MIND (chitta,mind stuff) into the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS of GOD."

"WE may still be picking up Pebbles on the Shore of the Deeps of Knowledge."

"When it can be so about knowledge of the physical plane (BERMUNDA TRIANGLE) much more can be said about the higher Spheres stilled Unexplored."

"He has no knowledge of his past or future,but this lack of knowledge is limited only to the GROSS CONSCIOUSNESS."

"The Pure Knowledge of the past,present and future--- exists within the INNER SELF. Because the individual soul is EXTROVERT it sees the world and cannot see the SOUL WITHIN."

"ONE'S knowledge of the world is also limited by the reach of the senses,Very often that knowledge is also ILLUSORY and IN REALITY,that Knowledge TURNS out to be IGNORANCE."

"This is the Goal of Human Existence(Self- Realization),and Ultimate Realization of this GOAL is the object of every RELIGION ,the modes of worship and their Rituals may differ to any extent."

"The World round us is not merely what we see.There are innumerable Phenomena that never come within the Range of Senses."

"What is beyond its approach and Try to Judge and Measure things Spiritual with Physical Standards?

"Physical science has of recent years brought us face with so many Discoveries.Even then no person can claim that the Whole Store has been EXPLORED."

"WE may still be picking up Pebbles on the Shore of the Deeps of Knowledge.
When it can be so about knowledge of the physical plane (Bermuda Triangle) much more can be said about the higher Spheres stilled Unexplored."

"Metaphysics and Occult sciences have already given Glimpses in that direction.We see that this Universe is a play of two kinds of Forces-Secular and Spiritual,Physical and Metaphysical.Physical Science gives us information of the former and over the other it possesses no Jurisdiction."

"Is it not Fool-Hardiness on its part to discount and set at Nought the vast Field of Knowledge that transcends its very bounds,deny,denounce and ignore what is beyond its approach and Try to Judge and Measure things Spiritual with Physical Standards?

"'RITAMBHARA', shining with the LIGHT of 'PRATIBHA' like the Light of Dawn before sunrise of The Social Religiosity & Spirituality Conductivity, (Evolution of SELF) begins with "SELF EFFORTS (effort of an Individual being at individual Level),contains all knowledge and is the source of all WORDS and Sentences making an Articulate Speech."

"Therefore all Mantras garbed in Words of any language originate from the source,which is therefore called "SHABDA BRAHMAN,God the Word or Kalma of God."

"The word is usually pronounce as "AUM". Even the holy scripture of Islam (Quran Sharif) commences with letters "ALM" L silent.
The three letters,though nowhere explained in the text and are not understand by the followers of ISLAM as to what they convey and imply,form the beginning of the Holy Scripture."

" 'L' silent is nothing short of a vacant space,the gap is filled by the Vedic seers by 'U'. Therefore "ALM" signify that very original source of the Holy Scripture as that of all other inspired knowledge,viz.
God the all knowing ."

"St.John puts this truth in the first verse of his testament in the following words:-"WORD was in the BEGINNING,and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD."

"All different ways of worship prescribed by different Religious Sects aim at this very spiritual communion , which is possible by complete merger of MIND (chitta,mind stuff) into the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS of GOD."

"This is the Goal of Human Existence,and Ultimate Realization of this GOAL is the object of every RELIGION , the modes of worship and their Rituals may differ to any extent."

"The World round us is not merely what we see.There are innumerable Phenomena that never come within the Range of Senses."

"What is beyond its approach and Try to Judge and Meas
ure things Spiritual with Physical Standards?"


"She (LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI) is identified with some Nerve unknown to the Anatomists."
"Even Dr.Rele,the learned author of work "Mysterious Kundalini",has been led to identify the LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI with the right Vagus nerve."

" But in fact LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI is ans much the Vagus or any other nerve as Soul is an atom in the Physical Body,heart or brain."

"The author of the "Mysterious Kundalini" has been led to such a belief as he apears to have confused the LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI'S SHAKTI with the power of muscle and nerve-control which is not the case."

"Even a person without his Kundalini Shakti awakened can acquire the power of controlling ,at his will,muscles and the autonomous working of pulse and heart,and on the contrary a person with his Kundalini well awakened may fail to do the same at Will.."

"It is True that the Nervous System governs and Controls Physical ,Mental and Intellectual faculties and such also the Spiritual Powers to an extent,but the relation between the Two is Like that of a Radio Receiver and the Electric Power which works it both from in and out,internally through wires and externally without wires."

" LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI SHAKTI " too works inside the body through the wires of the Nervous System and from outside without their HELP."

"But ROUSED " LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI SHAKTI" is not a temporary result of the nervous stimuli, SHE is a Permanent Power working throughout ,Independent of the nervous system,Divine by Nature, and Source of our LIFE, Intelligence and Consciousness (hidden also), though her Activity comes to manifestation through Nerves, Heart, Brain & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"The Physical exercises of certain Nerves help to Rouse HER Dormant power just in the same way as revolving of Dynamo Electricity is generated,Electric Power by no means being Identical with the Metallic Wires wrapped round a Magnet."

"True Prayer , Japa, Yoga, Mediation & so forth takes you closer to the real knowledge that is the ultimate goal of your Social, Religious & spiritual path."

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