11 Dec 2012


"All these are helpful in leading towards Practices of Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY' & its begins at 'HOME'."

"The Goal of Attaining God is IDENTICAL in all R

"That God resides within the heart of every male & female is admitted by almost all Religious Sects of universe."

"The whole creation being (living & non living) originally the same & homologous of 'SHAKTI'.


"The Human Being is our caste,Humanity is our Universal Religion,
Hindu,Muslim,Sikh,Christian etc.,Is not our Religion,
Our Religion is Living being,Mankind is our Religion,
For Universal true Love & Peace,Do welfare for Living & Non-living."

"Around five thousand years ago there was no religion or any
other religious community."

"There were no Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians etc.. The only religion was Mankind & Humanity. Everyone had and has one religion, Mankind. But as the influence of Kalyug grew, we started developing differences among ourselves.

"The only reason was that the religious family (kul) gurus suppressed the truth
written in the scriptures. Whether the reason was selfishness or superficial ostentation."

" As a result of which, today four religions
and many other religious sects have been formed out of one
Mankind religion. Consequently it is natural to have differences
among each other. Prabhu / Bhagwan / Ram / Allah / Rab / God /
Khuda / Parmeshwar of everyone is One (Lord Being Or Prabhu). These are synonymouswords in different languages. Everyone accepts that the consciousness
of all is one, then why these different religious communities?

"It is absolutely correct that everybody’s Master / Rab / Khuda/
Allah / God / Ram / Parmeshwar is only one whose actual name is
Lord Being and He lives in Satlok / Satdhaam / Sachchkhand in a visible
human like form. But now Hindus say that our Ram is great, Muslims
say that our Allah is great, Christians say that our Jesus Christ is
great and Sikhs say that our Guru Nanak Ji is great. "

"Must be Read:"

"They say in such a way as if four innocent children say that this is my papa, the
second one says he is my papa not yours, the third one says he is my
father and is the greatest, and then the fourth child says, “No, Oh
fools! This is my daddy, not yours.” When all those four have one
same father. Today our human society is fighting like these ignorant

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