4 Dec 2012

Your nature is Divine

Your nature is Divine; God is the very substance of which you are merely another name and form. To realize this you must develop the discrimination between the eternal and the ever changing. You must know that the Universe is constantly subject to change and modification, and that Lord alone is unchanging. Practice detachment from pleasures of this world and that of the other, being convinced that
 they are fraught with grief.

Control the senses and the sensory promptings; exhibit fortitude in the midst of grief and pain, joy and victory. Have firm faith in the Teacher and the Sacred Texts, and on the steady contemplation on the Absolute, undisturbed by other waves of thought. You will then gain realization of your True Nature.

Source from : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4015958210210&set=t.100002786159090&type=3&theater

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