11 Dec 2012

A Miniature Cosmos

"The Awaited One" i.e.who is known by different titles in all Religions like Kalki Avtaar, Messiah, Imam Mehdi, Mytri Buddha & so forth. "


"The Expanded Universe outside exists inside of Everybody in the Contracted Form. "
"Therefore, you have the Potentiality to Expand yourself Equal to the Cosmos provided you CURB your Desires, Aspirations, Ego & aberrations when you Submerge with the TOTAL BLISS (Total Consciousness )."


"Our world is changing. Hatred, Animosity between Nations and Religions, and Racism ?

" Our world is changing. Hatred, animosity between nations and religions, and racism is increasing dramatically."

" Terrorism, extremism, fanaticism, and exploitation of Human Rights are becoming more common than ever before."

" Religions have divided humanity into many groups. Sub societies within a society are emerging rapidly."

" Religiosity ...has taken its toll on human lives. Peace is diminished from the hearts."

"An unknown and unclassified fear has plagued hearts and minds. Man is becoming weary of religions."

" Atheism is strengthening its roots in theists' minds. Hope is fading away. People are distancing themselves from God, and have shunned their spiritual quest to seeking God's love."

" The concept of life hereafter is fading away from Western Society. Religions without God are gaining popularity. Atheist Spirituality is being invented."

"The Word, "Lord Being(God)" has almost lost its charm and respect in contemporary human. The universe has come to a stage where we earnestly need "

"The Awaited One" i.e.who is known by different titles in all Religions like Kalki Avtaar, Messiah, Imam Mehdi, Mytri Buddha & so forth. "

"One does not have to build the *TEMPLE*of the heart & mind.However,great preparations must be made to *TRANSFORMS* the heart & mind in to a *TEMPLE*."

"If your heart & mind shines like a temple,the bats of jealousy,aversion.lust and anger are drives out."

"The filth of samskars and vasana (propensity)(Prarbdha) is thrown out, and it is painted with the color of love and devotion."

"Then it will not be long before LORD (God) comes to adorn the temple of your heart & mind.And where does the Lord of your heart & mind come from."

"First of ALL Individual Beings Minds should be PURE toward EACH OTHER."


"However UNNATURAL it is,nevertheless,a human is HELPLESS in the FACE of it. He gets attached to his SCHOOL of Spiritual Practices and its doctrine and starts considering his way of thinking "SUPERIOR"."

"For understanding the Relationship of MANTRAS with the Science of Yoga(Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality as well all Religions of World) it is necessary to know the relation of the Alphabet with them ."

"SansKrit Mantras and names of God are therefore generally composed of such letters; for instance we have Om,Hari,Har,Ram,Shiva,Isha,Hrim.Aeim(Aim),Shrim (Shreem),Hum etc."

"According to the effect of sound all the vowels are mainly connected wit "IDA' nadi.Again ,short vowels pertain to "PINGALA' nadi.long pertain to IDA and four vowels 'ए E' Ai, O,Au to Sushumna."

"The nasal sound pertains to ATMA and Visargs to Shakti (divine Power)."

"Twenty five consonants from Ka to Ma are mainly coonnected with Pingala nadi and nine semi- consonants and sibilants are connected with Sushumna."

"Nasal sounds (Anuswar) pertain to Atma and Visarega to Shakti."
"Prounnciation affects the motor nerves of tongue and acts on the sensory nerves of touch,throat,palate,node,upper teeth and lips and thus acts on the cerebellum,the hinder and lower parts of the brain near "AJNA CHAKRA",the seat of the most of the nrves of cranial system and as such falls under Fatha Yoga."

"Sound acts on the Auditory nerves and stikes the Auditory sensory centres in the Brain and as such ,falls under LAYA YOGA; whereas its meaning influences the Mind and such the Mind with Emotion of Love,Plesures <Peace and Devotion which forms the Branch of BHAVA YOGA or BHAKTI YOGA."

"Then the Spiritual Power embodied in that Manta sprouts in the heart of the disciple and develops in the form of the particular deity invoked by their particular Mantra,manifestation in the aspirant corresponding Divine Power and Spiritual faculties,thus the consequent triad comes into manifestation in the disciple of the Deity Concerned, HIS form and HIS Power."

"In this way the God in master descends as Guru in the disciple.We have therfore a chain of Impersonal God:God as Shakti, God as Mantra,God as the particular Deity manifesting Himself in the heart of aspirant in a particular form (Murti),and God as Guru."

'ऊँ''OM, अ(A)-ब्रह्मा, उ(U)-विष्णु, म्‌(M)-महेश ."

"ऐं (AEIM) E=Swarswati,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs.Lord Swarswati destroy our griefs i.e. Aghyan(Darkness of Knowledge)."

"ह्रीं (Hrim) ह H=Shiv, र R=Nature,ई i=Maya,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs."

"श्रीं (Shrim),शं S=Lakhmi,R=Prosperity,ई I=Satisfaction,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs."

"क्लीं (Klim),क K=Krishna,L=Lord Indra,ई I=Satisfaction,,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e. Lust particular."

"हिलीम्‌(Hlim),ह H=Shiva,ल L=Baglamukhimi & Nature I=Satisfaction,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e.All Vasana(Propensity),Vices,Attachment,Ego & so forth."

"Sanskrit Mantras and names of God are therefore generally composed of such letters; for instance we have Om,Hari,Har,Ram,Shiva,Isha,Hrim.Aiem (Aim),Shrim (Shreem),Hum etc."

"The Mantras for the attainment of Moksha (Liberation) end with Namah,Swaha(wife of fire also),Hum etc,'K' is also often added as in Shanker,Krishna,Kali Klim(Kleem),as it stands for "BRAHMAN-"K BRAHMA".

"Shiva {God} & Shakti{Divine Power} the Anantta{Infinite}"

"All its automatic actions (creation, execution, destroy, etc.) engaged in the Parmeshwari {Lord Mother}or Power is Parvati."

"ONE for ALL & & ALL for ONE (must be Co-exist).{ Dvaita (Duality, Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality),Within} i.e. Holy Human."


"In Reality the Demoniac Powers is the Illusion which create the Fear & so forth (mental tendencies), are the Accumulated Impressions (Samskaras, Prarbdha {destiny, ripened samskaras) on the Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"Whenever a Person Feels the Lack of "Self-Confidence", he becomes easily Angry."

"Frequently Truth finds Truth and Falsehood finds Falsehood."

"The Body is Cleansed by WATER, the Internal Organs is Purified by Truthfulness, the Individual Soul by Sacred learning and austerities, the intellect by True & Pure Knowledge."
"*~ Vedanta Version ~ *

"It is only through work and through internal discipline that a man can find contentment and happiness."
*~ Sardar K. M. Panikkar ~*

One who is not "SELf - CONFIDANT" towards "THE TRUTH" faces FEAR EVERY MOMENT."

"The strongest person goes beyond Anger due to the dependency on TRUTH."

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