11 Dec 2012

Yogi discerns

"When a Yogi discerns unlikeness of self and intellect and realizes that 'ATMA" is not the intellect (and feels its transcendence ),of its contact,universal knowledge can be had 
and the Yogi becomes All-Knowing."

"At that stage the YOGI become self-centered and his individual consciousness transcends all limitation,and merges into its parental source."

"This is stage i of "NIRVANA"or LIBERATION from cycle of births & deaths."

"The Yogi then realizes his true self and attains oneness with GOD,"BRAHMA VIT BRAHMAIVA BHAWATI"-One who has realized "Brahman" becomes "Brahman" himself." ("Yoga Darshan" Chapter3,Sutra forty nine)

"The Mind in a STRANGE FIX:"
"Divine Saint KABIR had said ,"My mind is not attaining any HAPPINESS."

"This mind which is like a bird,though capable of taking a FLIGHT away from this ship of the world,keeps coming back to the world assuming it to be only SOURCE of HAPPINESS."

"Faith in "GOD" (SHIV- SHAKTI)only."

"In certain parts if India Goats & Buffaloes are slaughtered for appeasing the GODDESS."

"Unfortunately the followers of the Sect not understanding the Real & True meaning of Sacrifice,slaughter animals instead of sacrificing their own flesh in the Fire of Prayer,Japa,Sadhan & Yoga and offering their animal passions and Carnal Desires to the " MIGHTY LOVING MOTHER"."

"The Shakti ( divine power) is that Universal aspect of the Almighty God which shines as life in the whole animate world and works the Mind,(chitta),body & intellect."

"This power is the Force of Creation generating,developing and evolving the animate world,but ordinarily its function is according to the lifeless laws of nature and is therefore said to be asleep,."

"In human body this power can be awakened in the form of psychic force."
"In Hinduism Shakti -Upasana ,or worship of this power forms an important branch Tantric & Yogic Science."

"In this form the Lord (God) is regarded as MOTHER who destroys all obstacles and evils in the Path of Spiritual Evolution of Soul and leads up the True Individual,Aspirant to Goal of GOD REALIZATION,in other words it is with HER assistance that a Soul attains perfection through its union with the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT--SHIVA (LORD,GOD)."

"She is painted as riding on a LION as a symbol of strength,courage ,magnanimity and majesty."

"The picture also denotes the fact that when the Kundalini is aroused in a person.She rides the Lion of Yoga which roars like a hungry Lion in the body and begins to devour the weakness (flesh) of the Yogi."

"The Shakti is with HER numerous kinds of weapons begins to wage war on the animal passions which form the strong army of SATAN and always hinder Spiritual Advancement,killing them one by one,till every one of them has been to the last overpowered and killed."

"In certain parts if India Goats & Buffaloes are slaughtered for appeasing the GODDESS,unfortunately the followers of the Sect not understanding the Real & True meaning of Sacrifice,slaughter animals instead of sacrificing their own flesh in the Fire of Prayer,Japa,Sadhan & Yoga and offering their animal passions and Carnal Desires to the " MIGHTY LOVING MOTHER"."

"Again,she is described in three forms according to the threefold nature of inertia,activity ,and peace."

. The Divine Power of 'OM"action in universe that works under the power of Shiva- Parvati -
''Om'', Aa -Brahma, U - Vishnu, M - Mahesh. GOD: (Lord -Being)"

G-Generator, O-Operator, D-Destroyer.(GOD) ... - Shiva(Lord) as Brahma, when the act of creation ... His Kriyashkti -''Mahasaraswati''

"When you make the task of operation their Kriyashkti -''Mahalakshmi''

" When his Kriyashkti acts of destruction -''Mahakali''

"Serve as the Mahamrityunjaya his Kriyashkti -'' Baglamukhi''

"Shiva & Shakti(God) the Annatta(infinite), all automatic actions (creation, execution, destroy, etc.) engaged in the Parmeshwari or Power is Parvati."

"Every human being should be chanta this Mantra with their own feeling, emotion & FAITH and to destroy their accumulated Prarbdha-Karma (accumulated impressions), the following every day at the appointed time."

''Om Aeim Hrim Shrim Klim Hlim Om jiva Nirjiv Kalayankari Param Maa-Parmeshwari Namo Namaha.''

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