5 Dec 2012

The doors of Hell

"EGO,Lust,ANGER, and GREED: The doors of Hell for every human being in universe."

"This KARMA-YOGA gives strength to Social conduct, Sadhana,deplete Prarbdha(Drstiny,past karma),and ANNIHILATES itself when its job is done."

"The EPHEMERAL WORLD,HUMAN BODY & HUMAN CHITTA (Mind stuff ,Psyche) are Ever Changing in PAST,PRESENT & FUTURE."

"Change in an INTRINSIC QUALITY of NATURE.Just like the Universe,changes take place in the HUMAN BODY,too."

"If individual beings FREE from the FEELINGS of "MINE" and "YOUR's" and perform his worldly affairs or action (karma) without "EGO"attain Unconditional Love & Peace."

"The individual beings who has given up DESIRES and EXPECTATION, has no attachment, is free from the FEELINGS of "MINE" and "YOUR's" and performs his worldly affairs or actions (karma) without EGO attains unconditional LOVE & PEACE."

"Lord Krishna calls this state "BRAHMSTHITI".

"Bramha(Lord,God), while doing everything in the universe,is doing nothing.In the same way a STHITPRAJNA,free from EGO while performing action in the world,is free from action."
"This is called KARMA YOGA,BUDHI YOGA,SEVS YOGA or COMPETENCE.This is the foundation of all Spiritual Practices(Sdhana)."

"For depleting Prarbdha there is no better practice than this. Theaptitude for inaction comes only after continuous "KARMA -YOGA."

"The secret of being in the world,yet performing all worldly duties while doing detached from the world is "KARMA-YOGA."This is the entrance to all kinds of Sadhana in universe."

"This KARMA-YOGA gives strength to social conduct, Sadhana,deplete Prarbdha,and ANNIHILATES itself when its job is done."

"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality (Evolution of SELF) begins with "SELF EFFORTS (effort of an Individual being at individual Level,within)."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

Source : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=216255811757173&set=a.216251835090904.50027.183270601722361&type=1&theater

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