11 Dec 2012

Human Life


"THIS is NATURAL STATE of MIND & Lord's Gracious Hand is on YOUR HEAD."


"Saints ,The World is MAD,
"When I tell the TRUTH, THEN rush to Strive ME,
"When I LIE, then BELIEVE ME,
"Don't Murder a Poor Creature."

"He will pay You Back the SAME.
"Make Pilgrimage ,give a million Jewels to the God's,
"But you won't be saved."

"If circumcision (Prarabdha) makes you a Muslim,
"What do you call your WOMEN ?
"If putting on the thread makes you a Brahman,
"What does your Wife put on?"

"Who is be Sheriff in a Town,
"Littered with where the Watchman is a VULTURE."

"There is living being who represents a Small Universe within Himself (Human body & Universe is Homologous, (Yatha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande)."
*~Vedanta Version ~*

"Not to hurt anyone by deed, word or thoughts is non-violence and is our Social Conduct & Religion."

"Only brave people can be non-violent as non- violence needs largeness of Heart, Mind & Chitta and total Compassion."

"Killings, hurtings, having ill-feeling towards anyone animate or inanimate or even the most tiny crature or even trees, plants, vegatation, earth, air and fire is also violence."

"KEEP YOUR MIND & CHITTA STEADY, PEACEFUL & JOYOUS with these unique Principles."

"The UNIVERSE, in Fact, is a TOTAL MYSTERY !."
"This Universe is a Place of MISERY, after Suffering which one Proceeds BEYOND."
"This Universe is Transient, Futile, Illusory and Yet Inevitable."

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