17 Dec 2012


"Too much involvement in bodily pleasures and attachment with worldly pleasures lead to NEGLECT of Duties and ultimately to great disappointment in Precious Life."

"Having the experience of the Real False picture of one's own close relations and the world, one gets Disgusted and Realizes how futile are all relationships and attachments."

"Here the Question is not of Accumulating , but of Emptying i.e.Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality."

"LOVE is the ESSENCE of the WORLD."

"LOVE is SHIP{Subtle} that takes ONE across the OCEAN of "LIFE" & "DEATH" ."

"How long will you BURN in the FIRE of ILLUSION.?"

"Selfish Love is not Love at all {It is common among us)."

"Love rooted in attractions {Lust}no Love at all."

"This is the manifestation of Vasanas (propensity)and desires (Pleasures),which wander around at wrapped in hatred and aversion."

"Love is supported only by Love.Wherever you see hatred or any other basis for Love, understand that its its foundation is attraction or selfishness,not Love at all."

"In Love,there is no mine and yours.There is only mine.As long as there is mine and yours,there is no mine and there is no yours."

"LOVE is the ESSENCE of the WORLD.LOVE is SHIP that takes ONE across the OCEAN of "LIFE" & "DEATH" ."

"How long will you BURN in the FIRE of ILLUSION.?"

"First of ALL our MIND should be PURE toward each other."

"Celebrate Unconditional Love & Peace"
╔╗◕‿◕ ❤ "Anywhere, anytime ❤
║║╔═╦╦╦═╗ ► without judgement,
║╚╣║║║║╩╣ ► without prejudice
╚═╩═╩═╩═╩ ► without regret.
Celebrate love every Movement & minute of every day ► Today & every day ► give love, be loving, be lovable & be open to receiving love, every kind of love that exists Permanently ► for love is affordable for all & though its cost nothing, it grows in interest with nil capital investment. Money can't buy your love but love can open many doors. Watch your investment of love grow and soak in its divinity of energy. "

♫♫.•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥ ¸.•*¨`*•.♫♫❤
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"We Must be Proof our selves that "WE" are the "BOON", not the "CURSE" at all for Family, Society & so forth."

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."

"Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality)}"


"Every Religion treatise is supported by a particular vocabulary,style and experience,often various texts seem to contradict each other."

"Careful and unbiased observation reveals all of them say the same element of Lord Being(God)."

"The differences is due to country,time,condition,theauthor's personal experiences and presentation method of the subject."

"Vedanta is a highly advanced true social and spiritual knowledge (jnana) in which all subjects have been reviewed from the angle of knowledge."

"The chetana has also been called 'prajnanna' 'elaboration of the lower levels of sadhan is almost negligible in Vedanta."

"Generally more stress has been laid on throwing light on Bramha (Lord Being,God ). On the contrary,Yoga does not difficult task of lifting up the normal being from lower levels and provides him with an introduction to Sadhan."

"The subject of yoga is not describing the higher states of knowledge, but rather untying or resolving the knot of Sadhan."

"The same is the case with devotional texts.Their Sadhan is only love for Lord being (God)."

" They do not break their heads on the very advanced elements of knowledge.In this way, the various texts of knowledge,devotion and yoga each have a vocabulary and a way of Sadhan of their own."

"They have their own levels.It ia natural for Sadhan and beliefs of an aspirant of a lower level to be different from those of an aspirant of a higher level."

"When the lower aspirant attains the higher level,these is a change in the nature of this Sadhan and beliefs."

"The difficulty arises when an aspirant leaps ahead and directly associates with false understanding of the tenets of Vedanta true knowledge.Even though the knowledge immolated by Vedanta is true, he flies and roams in imaginations."

"The more a true individual,aspirant bears these storms,the clear his path of Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality (selflessness) becomes."

"A true individual,and aspirant undergoes a Great Deal of Mental Turmoil in this process,but bearing in Joyous Manner is PENANCE."

"Without giving up attachment ,WORLDLY objects cannot be given up."

"The person who uses his body and sense organs to indulge in WORLDLY objects suffer of much pain and sorrow in the same body."

"His body becomes his worst HELL."

"But one who has no Desire for WORLDLY objects spends his LIFE in BLISS."

"HEAVEN is Symbolic of a Place where there are no Sorrows."

"The HU-MAN of TODAY is Bent on Reducing his SWEETNESS by picking UNRIPE MANGOES,and then Ripening them with CHEMICALS i.e. UNNATURAL."

"If you want to know anything fundamentally or to get the 'position of GOD or SUPREME, you must get 'Tattvagyan'(Pure & True Knowledge via Self Realization) only because nothing is left unknown fundamentally if you get Tattvagyan which is all the Perfect."

"Then you will find yourself becoming as Perfect as a Supreme Person after getting this Tattvagyan or this KNOWLEDGE."

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