17 Dec 2012



"Change is an in Intrinsic Quality of Nature and as well as Human Body {Chitta(mind stuff,Psyche)} {Yatha Pinde- Tatha Bramhande (Human Body & Universe is HOMOLOGOUS)}."

"Giving up & Destroying the PRIDE is nothing but servicing our own head."

"Elimination of ILLUSION is the GOAL of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Evolution of Life to "Self -Realization" is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the "REAL- EVOLUTION"."

"Self-Examination & REALITY of Life FORCE"

"Control of SEX ENERGY ,the Creative Energy of a Human is RAISED to HIGHER PLANES & Create the SIDDHI i.e. Samaddhi."

"It is a well known fact that YOGINIS can keep their system through celibacy in perfect health and some of them rejuvenate their whole body and bring a young like age."

"In ordinary persons too a celibate life keeps up health,prolongs age and prevents decay."

"Ordinary human who cannot practice Bharamchaya through control of passions,sexual lust and other exciting emotions, retraining from overindulgence in sexuality and avoiding fears."

"Fear,anger,anxieties,sorrow,and lust for the opposite sex are most baneful to social conductivity & Spiritual advancement and should be most guardedly avoided."

"Napolean Hill,an American Writer,in his book,in this work 'Think grow rich," says that sex energy can be transmuted to too higher creative energies of science ,art ,poetry ,etc."

"Control of SEX ENERGY ,the Creative Energy of a Human is RAISED to HIGHER PLANES & Create the SIDDHI i.e. Samaddhi."

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