10 Dec 2012

The our body is LINK

"The our body is LINK between the Universe and the Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"To Create & Man
ifest "THE NEW WORLD" (Self - (Realized), Emerge the new definition of *LOVE* & *PEACE* in every Heart , Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) of the individual beings of Universe."

"The our body is LINK between the Universe and the Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"Some people suppress Anger inside, nevertheless there is a change in the Chitta."

"When the Anger arises in the Chitta, the signs and symptoms of Anger generally shown in the our FACE."

"This is the TRUE feelings, mental modifications and mental events."

"Events within the Chitta affect the Universe and the sense organs act in the Universe according to the effects on the Body."

"Sometimes the Chitta affects the Universe and sometimes the universe influence the Chitta by bringing the Mental Tendencies to the SURFACE i.e. FACE."

"The our body is LINK between the Universe and the Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)."

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"

"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality are the NAME of that FORCE which Detaches Individual Beings from the Effects , Changes and Waves in the World, the body & the Chitta."

"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche) ,just like the body and the world,is also a part of NATURE."

"The body is a miniature form of the world.The Chitta spreads out and manifests in the form of the Physical Body."

"The only difference is that the body and the world are physical and visible,whereas the Chitta,being subtle ,can not be seen."

"As for as change is concerned , it take place in the Chitta also.The state of the Chitta changes constantly.Sometimes the influence of Tamo Guna {inertial tendencies} becomes overwhelming and the onslaught of deficiency , laziness, sluggishness, indulgence , anger, sleep and so forth, increases."

"Sometimes it is under the influence of Rajo Guns{quality of activity} and it runs around in the world."

"Sometimes it is ruled by Sattva Guna {harmonious quality} and it does good deeds,pray and meditates. The the Chitta manifests good qualities such as calmness, compassion ,tolerance , generosity, sobriety, and so forth."

"Just as the world and body keep changing ,so does the predominance of the Gunas {the three qualities mentioned above}."

"The world ,the body and the Chitta are like Waves."

"A wave rises,take form ,and then disappears."

"The body takes form in the world.It goes through childhood ,youth and old stage and the disappears."

"In the Chitta ,Feelings,thoughts and Resolves arise and then disappear."

"They are never balance.If a perfect balance of the Gunas occurs then the body ,the world and the Chitta will cease to exist (dissolution)."

"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality are the NAME of that FORCE which Detaches Individual Beings from the Effects ,Changes and Waves in the World, the body & the Chitta."

"First & Foremost , the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"Only in a balanced state of the Mind be filled with Unconditional- Love."

"If the Human Mind is peaceful then the whole world is at unconditional LOVE & PEACE automatically."

"The essence of all these are that human being of universe wander in the search of Love & Peace, how can they find it where it does not exist.?"

"The world goes through constant change (generate,operate & destroy )."

" There is no stability in the world due to the Prarbdha (accumulated impressions, destiny, ripened samskaras)."

"Love & Peace are in stability of Mind,thus there is no Love & Peace in the world."

"Love & Peace are not the things of the world,these are the state of individual's Mind & Chitta ( mind stuff,psyche)."

"If the MIND is PEACEFUL then the whole world is at unconditional love & Peace."

" Create, Emerge & Manifest them Unconditional-Love"

"The DRAMA of LIFE of individual beings takes place in the background of 'PRARBDHA (Destiny created by past karma)'."

"Love is the Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Simple- Spirituality, whereas Hate, Hatred, Vengeance are the Slippery- world."

'Ignite the flame to flame of UNCONDITIONAL-LOVE,

'Flow the Consciousness of Unconditional-Love in every Heart'

'As you walk ,you will be meet many people in Universe'

'Happy & Unhappy'

" Create, Emerge & Manifest them Unconditional-Love"

'Embarrass them and Love'

'And make them HAPPY'


"The HUMAN of TODAY is bent on reducing his sweetness by picking unripe MANGOES, and then ripening them with CHEMICALS."

"The basis of our "UNIVERSAL LOVE" and "PEACE is "MUTUAL
LOVE,whereas we are getting deeper in the MUD of MUTUAL HATRED."

"When the NECTAR of LOVE spreads throughout the individuals MIND,ALL SENSES & BODY,it cannot be HIDDEN even if one wants to HIDE it."

"The NATURE of LORD SHIVA (Lord,God) is LOVE and DETACHMENT,whereas we are drawing far away from the NATURE of SHIVA by going towards the SLIPPERY WORLD."

"Lord Shiva resides within every individual beings as well as living being,but we are BUSY hiding HIM in the cover of likes and dislikes,jealousy and hatred ,and so forth."

"The basis of our "UNIVERSAL LOVE" and "PEACE is "MUTUAL
LOVE,whereas we are getting deeper in the MUD of MUTUAL HATRED."

"If we develop LOVE for each other our SHAKTI (divine power,consciousness ) will SPONTANEOUSLY increase,otherwise it will be DEPLETED in OUR CONFLICT."

*The glory of Love,Peace, devotion & consciousness is infinite"

"On lt HE can knows this,who relishes its delicious nectar (Rasaswadan).*

"It may begin from every home because if we destroy our ego ,attachment & hatred than we create the Love & peace automatically."

"Home is the unique temple & In human body Lord is dwelling in Past,Present & In Future ."

"When we are not accepting THE TRUTH OF NATURE ?

"Always do serviceful duties of both, it become homologous & begin the consciousness of Lord Being (God)"

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥""To Realize Reality.""श्री*♥ ॐ♥"

"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?

"If you are a Hindu, be a better Hindu."
"If you are a Christian, be a better Christian."
"If you are a Muslim, be a better Muslim."
"If you are Jew, be a Better Jew & so forth through Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity."

"Embrace the True & Pure knowledge of Hinduism (Sanatans)."
"Embrace the power of the Muslim Religion."
"Embrace Love & Service of the Christian Religion."
"Embrace Peace of the Buddhist "
"Embrace Ahimsa (non -violence) of the in Jainism."
"EmbraceSikhism of the enjoy."
"Embrace the purity of Mind & Chitta of the Sanatan Religion ."

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