17 Dec 2012

Karma (actions)

"This is the PURE RULE of the NATURE (Universe), what a person does to another day, the same will happen to him tomorrow."

"The Karma (actions) is such SUN that can Brighten a Dark Home."

"A person wastes his precious time in unnecessary Karma (actions)."

"The karma is the only coolant that can silence the FIRE of Passion."

"The Social Conductivity &Spirituality can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

"The social conduct has a close relationship to spirituality."

"Believe our self that Lord Being already residing in US in the form of Chaitnyata(energy of cosmic consciousness)."

"HE always like TRUTH & TRUTH."

"But due to the their Prarbdha (destiny) every body engaging in physical desires, ego, attachment, hatred, illusion, vengeance, vices, propensity so forth."

The intellect could not function if it were not mixed with God's consciousness."

"One does not have to build the *TEMPLE*of the heart & mind."

"However,great preparations must be made to *TRANSFORMS* the Heart & Mind in to a *TEMPLE*."

"If your heart & mind shines like a temple,the bats of jealousy,aversion.lust and anger are drives out."

"The filth of samskars (Accumulated Impression) and vasana (propensity) (Prarbdha, destiny)) is thrown out, and it is painted with the color of love and devotion."

"Then it will not be long before LORD (God) comes to adorn the temple of your heart & mind.And where does the Lord of your heart & mind come from."

"He simply manifest from within.You are not aware of the fact that you always carry God within you."

"It is like searching every where for your spectacles when you are already wearing them."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of "Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity & Vices & so forth."

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