10 Dec 2012


"Whatever TRICK MIND,Chitta,Mind stuff,psyche) uses,a Human must use the same TRICK to DEFEAT it."

"The Guru (Teacher,who live in society ) V\S The Sada- Guru (Spiritual Magnate)"

"GIFT to every body for every movement how to "EMERGE" the "CONSCIOUSNESS of LORD (God)"

"The Guru who live in society may be good writers,preachers,intelligent,scholars,excellent,communicators,singers or artists or even have good managerial skills but generally it is difficult for them to touch the HIGH PEAK of Spirituality."

"Koman Coban,Buddha,Christ,Krishna,Rama, Agasha,MirdadMaaLall, Parmanad Tirth, Guru Nanak,Vishnu Tirth,Yukatananji,Ramkrishna Paramhansa,Lahadi Maharaj,Sai Baba ,Vishnu Tirthji etc.believed that the spiritual magnates who roam at the minute and subtle levels (atom like)stay away from the materialistic world."

"Weather remaining invisible in their subtle body,engrossed in Sadhan or even if visible in their physical body,occupied in exploring the subtleties of Sadhan,their heart and mind is always engaged at the subtle levels to subtle thoughts,feeling and experience ."

"They have capacity to transform anyone's LIFE."
"Despite being fettered in the confines of the body they remain part of the "COSMIC -CONSCIOUSNESS."

"However skilled and masterful an ordinary preachers may be in delivering discourses in fluent,flowery and polished language on the subjects like MAYA in the seed form,God and Jeevatv (essence of animated existence) and the ways to achieve "HIM"but their direct experience of all these subtle matters is equivalent to ZERO."
"The entire destination of such preacher is imaginary,based on sentiments and is as DEVOID of authenticity as it is to mentally roam the skies while physically being on EARTH."

♥ಌڿڰۣ N░A░M░A░S T░E’♥ ॐ♥,

"The EPHEMERAL WORLD,HUMAN BODY & HUMAN CHITTA (Mind stuff ,Psyche) are Ever Changing in PAST,PRESENT & FUTURE."

"Change in an INTRINSIC QUALITY of NATURE.Just like the Universe,changes take place in the HUMAN BODY,too."

"First of all,we see many different colors,shapes,sizes and languages among HUMANS."

"Some are accustomed to living in icy,cold weather and can not stand heat.Some live in hot places and can not stand cold."

"Even within the human body itself changes go on.A child comes into assistance from who knows where,and does not attain youth in movement.The process moves slowly. The process of daily goes unnoticed."

"The young man does not become old in one day.Yes,DEATH can come any time,just as someone completes his performance and leave the stage at once.Death itself is a major change,it is like a curtain falling on the ever-changing life."

"Besides,the body also sometimes feels more energetic and sometimes weak;sometimes it is healthy and sometimes sick;sometimes hungry,sleepy,lazy and refreshed.Thus the human body also does not remain the same."

"The Chitta ( mind stuff,psyche),just like the body and the universe is also a PART of NATURE."

"The body is a MINI-NATURE form of the Universe (Yatha Pinde Tatha Bramhande,Human body & universe is HOMOLOGOUS).The chitta spreads out and manifests in the form of the physical body.The only difference is that the body and the world or universe are physical and visible,whereas the CHITTA,being subtle,can not be seen."

"As far as change is concerned,it take place in the Chitta also.The state of chitta changes CONSTANTLY.Sometimes the influences of TAMO GUNA(intertial tendencies),some timesit is influenced of RAJO GUNA(quality of activity) & sometimes it is ruled by SATTVA GUNA(harmonious tendencies)"

"Just as the universe and body keep changing, so does the PREDOMINANCE of the GUNA (the three qualities mentioned above).They are never in balance are due to the individual own Prarbdha."

"The SIMPLE SPIRITUALITY is the name of that LATENT FORCE(PRARBDHA) which detached true individual beings,aspirant 7 devotee from these effects,change & waves."

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