4 Dec 2012


The Distinction Between Human Souls And The Supreme Soul

Human Souls: They take human bodies and experience birth, life and death.
Supreme Soul: Never comes into the cycle of birth and death.

Human Souls: They are subject to change and the dualities of pleasure and pain, growth and decay, happiness and sorrow.
Supreme Soul: Changeless. The One beyond the above dualities.

Human Souls: They remember and then forget their original pure nature.
Supreme Soul: God is always the ocean of knowledge; he does not come in the cycle of remembering and forgetting.

Human Souls: They are seekers of peace and happiness.
Supreme Soul: God is the One whom everyone seeks (longs for). He is the bestower (giver) of peace and happiness to everyone.

The Distinction Between Human Souls And The Supreme Soul - cont.

Human Souls: They have physical bodies.
Supreme Soul: God's form is incorporeal (point of spiritual energy).

Human Souls: They cannot liberate humanity.
Supreme Soul: God is the uplifter of all.

Human Souls: They become impure through body-consciousness.
Supreme Soul: God is the purifier.

Human Souls: They are caught up by the present, do not have complete knowledge of the past (since they come in the process of birth and rebirth) and no accurate knowledge of the future.
Supreme Soul: God is the knower of the three aspects of time (past, present and future).

Human Souls: They are takers.
Supreme Soul: God is the giver, He takes nothing.

The Distinction Between Human Souls And The Supreme Soul (cont.)

Human Souls: They lose their power and become weak.
Supreme Soul: God is the constant and external source of all spiritual power for all human souls.

Human Souls: They are brothers.
Supreme Soul: God is the Father and Mother.

Human Souls: They come into greed, lust and attachment.
Supreme Soul: God is bondage-less (free), the liberator of all, including the sages, saints, holy teachers and gurus. He doesn't succumb to the vices.

Human Souls: They become worshippers.
Supreme Soul: God is ever worthy of being worshipped.

Human Souls: They have desires based on bodily needs, name and fame.
Supreme Soul: God is completely desireless and selfless.

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