10 Dec 2012


"The NEW "NEETI- SHASTRA (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science, should be written for Welfare of Living & Non Living of our Universe & other Universe."

"The NEW and Contextual "NEETI SHASTRA"{ (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science } " should present an appropriate description of Policies & Norms that would be Good
 for the RECONSTRUCTION of our FAMILY & Society.".

"The historical or Social situation of the past was quite different from the one which we have at Present."

"Society was not as complex as it is now. As the civilization was pre - technological , so the Life - Style was simple & within Moral Conduct."

"As the present condition of our Universe is bewildering and full of paradoxes, it is necessary that we will have to reformulate the "NEETI SHASTRA"{ (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science }, which will , to a great extent , fulfill the aspirations of the people. It means that the interpretation and understanding of our culture can be more bases upon the old norms or principles of "NEETI SHASTRA"{ (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science,}."

"As nothing new or creation has been written since the Times of Vedanta, it is, therefore , doubly i\incumbent upon us to reflect a New."

"Modern science and technology have brought about radical changes in the methods of living No, more is human dependent upon the vageries of Nature. Modern Science & Technology has made Life comfortable ."

"The World has Shrink in terms of distance. Communication & Medical facilities have made Life more Meaningful."

"Science has enabled Human to get rid of such Magical Superstitions which were debilitating and cruel."

"The civilsatitional pattern of Family, Society today has totally changed from the on which existed Hundred Yea ago."

" Human understanding concerning HUMAN VALUES have changed toatally in Materialistic Values."

"The old patterns of Life are no more possible to Live in a World where Technology & Technocratic thinking determines and dominates Life."

"All though many positive results have been gained through technology, yet there have also been certain negative fissures in Family, Society, which are too visible to be ignored."

""Physically or materially, human has progressed much and there has, in equal measure, been MORAL DEGRADATION."

"The Values of Present Family & Society are more individualistic than communitarian. This kind of thinking has created "SELFISHNESS" and "GREED" among the members of FAMILY & SOCIETY. Where Greed & Selfishness Reign Supreme, the Violence , in one form or the other, is unavoidable.."

"Truth, in such a Pitiable Situation, is relativised to such an extent where Morality itself is subjrcted to "SUBJECTIVE SITUATION."

"Human is no more treated as a REFLAXIO DEI ; rather he is seen in Terms of Materiality."

"some have tried to measure Human Happiness in TERM of Wealth. So have interpreted Human as nothing More or Less than a Mere Material Object.."

"In such a situation of reductionism, human values are DE- Valued.It is this kind of thinking which is to be found in every Segment of Family & Society."

"There is Rat- Race everywhere, in every segment of Family & Society. The tendency is more & more. This Impure Desire for more has given rise to the Terrible Dragon of Corruption."

"Corruption, whether moral or material , comes to where the tendency for the acquisition of more goods is prevalent The best way it expenses itself is in the form of Consumerism."

"Consumerism is that FATAL DISEASE which is Incurable. It is a Sickness of Creating More wants and Impure Needs, which are Unnecessary and Unwanted."

"The NEW and Contextual "NEETI SHASTRA"{ (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science } " should present an appropriate description of Policies & Norms that would be Good for the RECONSTRUCTION of our FAMILY & Society."

श्री ॐ "Who is the WINNER of Vedanta?."श्री ॐ"

"For a WINNER, Precious Life is Flexible; can be Adjusted according to be "DIVINE CIRCUMSTANCES"."

"To defeat an enemy is a Political Victory,
"To win a friend is a Social Victory,
"To win the senses is Spiritual Victory."
"But in practical life , He is a Winner, who knows a TIME to be Vocal and a Time to be Silent,
"A Time mix and Time to be apart,
"A Time to quarrel and a Time to Love,
"A Time to weep and a Time to Smile,
"A Time to attack and a Time to withdraw,
"A Time to be active and a Time to be Passive,
"A Time to be qiuck and a Time to be Slow,
"A Time to be speed up and a Time to Wait."
"For a WINNER, Precious Life is Flexible; can be Adjusted according to be "DIVINE CIRCUMSTANCES"."

"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"Who is HAPPY ?."
"Happiness can't therefore be sought in Wealth, Post or Position; it has to be sought ELSEWHERE."

"There is saying that one who has Good Wealth, Enough Money , a Loyal Wife, and an Obedient Son, is a HAPPY PERSON."

"This may be True for Materialism & some material HAPPINESS. But Social, Religious & Spiritual Happiness comes when ONE feels contented with the whatever one gets."

"A Human in a Hut can be Happy and a King in the royal Palace can be Unhappy."

"A Human doing manual work can be happy but a top Administrator of the country can be unhappy."

"A Human with no one to help, can be happy but a human with a lot of friends and family members (it is common now days) can be unhappy. The reverse may also be the case."

"Happiness can't therefore be sought in Wealth, Post or Position; it has to be sought ELSEWHERE."

"HAPPY is the PERSON, who is content with whatever he gets according to his Prarabdha (destiny, past karma)"

"HAPPY is the Person who can adjust to any situation he is placed in to."

"HAPPY is the PERSON who enjoys the present and does not REGRET for the PAST & bother about the FUTURE. "

"HAPPY is the PERSON who realizes that this LIFE is a "PASSING PHASE' and so any UNHAPPY SITUATION in the Life will also pass."


"The Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality are the NAME of that FORCE which Detaches Individual Beings from the Effects, Changes and Waves in the World {Attachment, Ego, Hate, Enmity, Vengeance & so forth}, the body & the Chitta {Mind stuff, psyche}."

"You must recognize the power within and its influence.
Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of (Slippery World) Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity, & Vices & so forth."


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