10 Dec 2012


"To understand the SCRIPTURES of all Religion of World, an attitude of "EQUANIMITY" and "IMPARTIAL
ITY" is essential in a Gentleman,True individual,Aspirant, Devotee & Sadhak."

"This "EQUANIMITY" can only arise through the Spiritual Practices.

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself (Human body & Universe is Homologous,Yatha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande)."

"God" Or "Almighty" Or "Lord Being" Concepts Of DIVINE POWER."

"May differ, For,from Logic,do Human suffer."

"We have a blessing from the "BIBLE" It is called the "COHEN" blessing.

"Before we proceed further for Social Conductibility,Religiosity & Spirituality it is necessary first to have a clear Idea of what the MIND{Chitta(mind stuff,psyche)} is ?"

"The Important thing is Inner Awakening{Self Realization} rather than Philosophies,Paths,Doctrine or Feelings{Dogmas}."

"This is called the individual level.The union of the whole(gross)and the conscious takes place within a person's body."

''Om Aeim Hrim Shrim Klim Hlim Om Asayum Av Ayafeya Yajamaidei, Asayum Ham Ayafeya Yajhmaide Om Hlim Klim Shrim Hrim Aeim Om Namo Namaha.''

"We have a blessing from the Bible. It is called the Cohen blessing.
"Lord bless you and keep you;
"Lord shine his face to you and educate:
" Lord lifted his face to you and put you peace;
"And put my name on the children of Israel and I will bless them."

"The TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"Just as solitude is necessary for "SPIRITUAL PRACTICES",so purification of CONDUCT is possible only through "SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects through Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality."

"The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

"Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Guru Tattwa,Prarabdha."

"THINK GLOBALLY, ACT HOMELY , SOCIALLY RELIGIOUSLY,SPIRITUALLY."{All are ONE & ONE is All.{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality),Within}."

"Faith in DOWNTRODDEN & GOD only."
Lord Krishna says:-

"All the efforts having been given up,unto "ME" alone Thou Shalt Resign,I shall Save THEE from all SINS,THOU shouldst not care."(Gita18-66)"

"Hinduism(Sanatan) is therefore catholic in its teachings,inspite of divergency of Faiths,doctrines and Rituals."

"The above assurance given by Lord Krishna(Lord) is parallel to those found in ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY as well."

"The latter demand from the followers lasting Faith in the reverted Prophet and Lord Jesus the Christ respectively foe being saved from all their sins,with the difference,that a Hindu (Sanatan) regards the first person used in the above verse as denoting God Himself."

"Krishna is not regarded a prophet of the Lord,but is the Lord Himself incarnate."
"According to them no other individual expect the Eternal God is to be put Faith into,whereas the Mohammandans and Christians regard their respective Prophet as a Person separate from God,acting as an INTERMEDIARY."

"This dfference creates a Vital Difference of outlook.According to a Christian or a Mohammadan,any person other than a bliever in the Prophet is deprived of the Divine clemency,whereas according to the followers of GITA even a Christian or a Mohammadan whould be saved if he believes in God."

"Hinduism(Sanatan) is therefore catholic in its teachings,inspite of divergency of Faiths,doctrines and Rituals."

""The Pure &Divine Knowledge of Vedanta "*11.11.11*

"The Social Conduct,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

"Externally there is only "DRIFTING (BHATKAN)"."

"WELFARE,the giver of WELFARE and the PATH of WELFARE--- all of them RESIDE WITHIN (Chiita,mind stuff,psyche)."

"Externally there is only "DRIFTING"."

"so long as the Mind Drifts (due to the Prarbdha),an individual WANDERS Externally."

"once he receives the Grace of GURU- TATTWA (divine power),his attention is TURNED INWARD."

"To create "THE NEW WORLD{Self Relized,Yatha Pinde- Tatha Brahmande}" .Emerge the new definition of * LOVE &PEACE*in every heart & mind."

Guru Tattwa:
"Are the SADHANA (spiritual Practice)of SHIVA (Lord,God etc.) & SHAKTI (Divine Power) different.?"

Q:Guru Tattwa:
"There is no different at all,but there is a differences of SENTIMENTS and FAITH (state of Chitta(mind stuff,psyche) due to own Prarbdha) of individual beings."

Ans:Guru Tattwa:.
"Since SHIVA & SHAKTI are not separate,how can the Sadhana be different.?"

"The concept of different action (Karmas) has rooted so deeply in the MINDS of people that they look for it."

"To understanding the True & Pure Knowledge of the subjects; it has to be analyzed through Chitta (mind stuff,psyche).""An attempt has to be made to understand LIMBS of a Philosophy independent of each other."

"But,finally,the essence is one and the same."

"An individual soul tears apart the basic elements,but usually he does not have the ability or the inclination to combine together."

"Shakti is Shiva's .From,it manifests within Shiva on the basis of Shiva.While remaining one with Shiva it becomes active,then dissolves back in to Shiva."

"When someone worship's Shiva,he is worshiping the SHAKTI of SHIVA."

Question:"Some people believe in SHAKTI alone and not in SHIVA (Lord,God etc.) & Vice Versa.?"

Guru Tattwa:"That is their own perspective, but Shakti cannot exist without any basis."
"If Shakti exists then so does its basis."


THE Pure Knowledge OF "Mantra".

"MANTRA" is related to philology (BHASGA VIGYAN);and it has three limbs.Varna means the basic alphabet.By joining letters words are formed."

"By combining words a 'MANTRA' is formed.Some mantras are called 'BEEJA' mantras or "SEED" mantras.In a 'BEEJA' mantras each letter is a 'MANTRA'. In other words,it each seed ,or letter,a word and a 'MANTRA' are included."

"A sadhan of Japa is pathway to go from lower to a higher level,or to go inward (within) from outward."

"In other words, this is the path from "MATERILIALISM" to "SPIRITUALITY",starting with language, which is a part of this world and also part of physically-expressed speech."

"The purification of letters,words and mantras inspire purification of chitta (mind -stuff,psyche),meaning and sentiments in the mantra strike the mind and enthuse in to awaken.Some aspirants starts to have "SPONTANEOUS " Pranayaam by doing japa,which is a sign of "AWAKENINGS"."

"Pure Knowledge Of Divine MANTRA for daily for every human beings."

"The best morning prayer that we can recite daily soon after one gets up by paying reverence to our holy earth and looking at our Palms followed by closing our eyes while pray."

"Though, the EVERY MORNING prayer is in Sanskrit whose English translation and meaning are as such:
“This is to be recited in the morning as soon as we get up from the bed and has to be chanted l...ooking at the palm of our hands]. On the t...ip of our fingers resides Goddess Lakshmi (the Goddess of prosperity and wealth).

"In the middle of our Palm is Goddess Saraswathi (the Goddess of knowledge, wisdom and learning)."

"In the palm of our hands sits Mother Gauri (the Goddess of protection.), Visualizing in this way, one has glimpse of them every morning by looking at palms of our hands.”

"Let us join to offer our humble prayers to all those three Goddess in one by looking at our Palms and chanting this prayer by closing our eyes every day in early hours of morning ,when we get up.
This is create consciousness in Home,then...............then
in universe.This prayer initiate the human being of the universe combine his hands in +ive manner with mind to achieve goal of their LIFE."

"The best morning prayer that we can recite daily soon after one gets up by paying reverence to our holy earth and looking at our Palms followed by closing our eyes while pray."

“Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi,Kara Madhye Saraswathi,Kara Moole Sthita
Gauri, Prabahate Kara Darshanam”

THE Prayer of Godess Swarswati


"DUALITY(Dvaita) v\s NON-DUALITY (Advaita)"

"Today there are many devotees of Lord Krishna,why they
not at One Platform for UNIVERSAL LOVE & PEACE ?"

Question:"Today there are many devotees of Lord Krishna in universe, but at one time there was kind of flood of Krishna devotees.On the one hand there were devotees such as Chaitnya Mahaprabhu,Jayadeva,Tukaram,Jnaeshwer,and on the other Surdas,Meera,Narsi Mehata,Kabir etc. gained fame.The whole country was drenched of Lord Krishna."

Maharajshri:' Yes but as you know,we believe that different path and spiritual practices are different levels and sequences of the same spiritual practice."

"One devotee may have more of certain sentiments,while another may have a preference for certain form of Lord being or God.Some feel that love for God is primary,and others feel that surrender and service to God are primary.Some may see God in the form of Vishnu,Shiva or certain Goddesses,and others may believe in Nanak,Mohammad or Jesus. God does not have any form,and all forms are HIS."

"All though there is no relationship with God,yet all relations are with HIM.There are no feelings for him,yet all feelings are for attaining him."

" Thus there is variation in the level of devotees and the nature of devotees.Some emphasize prayers,puja,and japa,while others prioritize meditation,knowledge,yoga andkarma.Spiritual practices of some involve efforts.and others are on the path of natural and spontaneous spirituality.Depending on the preferred form of God, spiritual practices,histories,location,disciplines,scriptures and principles develop.

The world is nothing but the wavws of SHAKTI. Just as wavwes arise in worldy sentiments,waves of devotion, too,arise in various forms."

"At one time the waves of devotion of Rama and Krishna arose in India and the whole country was colored with it."
"Historians of Hindi literature call it THE Age of Devotion. Prior to that India was ravaged by wars and killings. Warriors displayed their bravery everywhere.This was also a wave.That period is called of Bravery."

"In both these waves worldly and spiritual people were swept up. True spirituality is to remain aloof from these waves and watch,but prior to such detachment a person will,for some time,be swept up in the wave. Those who swim through these currents and arrive at the shore are the true brave warriors.

Question: "However,there have been many proponents of bhakti in the world, such as Ramanuja,Vallabhacharya and Nimbakacharya,who established many different principles and sects."

Maharajshri :" a devotee does not get involved in such arguments.He believes in devotion based on his sentiments.Whatever he is, he will come forth through God's grace. It is not good to be attached to certain principles related to devotion before knowing anything.The purpose of devotion is to attain the grace of God and not to formulate principles,"

Question:" Then what about the awakening of SHKTI.?"

Maharajshri:" It is impossible to be a devotee without it. The awakening of Shakti strengthens and awakens devotion.Devotion is attained only after Awakening (happening)."

"DUALITY(Dvaita) v\s NON-DUALITY (Advaita)"

"Only he who is established within the SUPREME SELF can see the SUPREME BEING inside someone else."

"According to the All Scriptures ,the SUPREME-LORD does reside in Every Being as the SUPREME SELF."

"In this way every being can be said to be its MANIFESTATION."

"But as it is Hidden behind an ILLUSION,neither can the being itself RECOGNIZE IT,nor can other people see it or its actual COSMIC NATURE."

"The doctrine of Prayer,Japa and Sadhana(spiritual practice involving conscious efforts),Sadhan,Spiritual Practices are to see GOD in ourselves and all other beings."

"But only he can see God in every being who has FIRST Identified HIM within."

"Only he who is established within the SUPREME SELF can see the SUPREME BEING inside someone else."

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