11 Dec 2012

Own Role


"Therefore SOCIALISM, RELIGIOUS CONDUCT & SPIRITUALISM is individualistic. One has his own individual "DHARMA".

"GOD - REALIZED DIVINE SAINT like *Mahatma Gandhi*, *Mother Teresa* & countless on ONE SIDE & Divine Scientist like *Einstein*, *Nikola Tesla* on the other will have to work Together."

"WE can get LOVE, PEACE, or Social, Religious & Spiritual SATISFACTION only by "SELF REALIZATION" & "SELF REALIZATION". Nothing Else""

"In ULTIMATE sense, yes, as He can gradually evolve himself and can FUSE into the TOTAL FORCE and can experience the TOTAL & ETERNAL BLISS."

"There is nothing wrong or right in this universe. Everything is relative, we are depriving the other from having his food.What would happen if some one removes our dish of Food? Who gave us the authority to interfere with other's activities? ."

"A'' lives, human or otherwise are at work (karma, actions) on the basis of their own Prarabdha (destiny, past karmas)."

"One should not therefore worry about the things ha cannot help. Many are in misery- because of their own Prarabdha."

"No one else can be held responsible for the same.They live as per their own Prarabdha (doings) and circumstances.One should not worry for them.He should worry only to the extent of his own Role."

"There is nothing wrong or right in this universe. Everything is relative, we are depriving the other from having his food.What would happen if some one removes our dish of Food? Who gave us the authority to interfere with other's activities? ."

"There are numerous and countless deaths taking place at every fraction of time. Innumerable creatures living in air, water, earth, vegetation etc. die every moment before our own eyes, some of which we see, some we do not-we are not connected with all these deaths."

" Similarly there are countless lives which take birth and survives every movement-it is not because of our mercy."

"If we are not killing or hurting we are merciful; if we are killing or hurting them - we are sinners."

Even if we worry for the WORRIES of this world, we cannot help if out. Therefore we should limit our own Role."

"It will be gradually possible for us to have a larger role, larger horizon, larger freedom and ultimetly become part of the Limitless.This universe has been in existence for an unlimited Time."

"It contain limitless galaxies , stars, planets and space. They are full of limitless lives, matter and spirit.Every one is growing ,revolving and evolving according to a set principle which may be called "TOTAL COSMIC AUTONOMIC SYSTEM"

"We have potentialities of that state as we are PART & PARCEL of the "TOTAL COSMIC FORCE (SYSTEM)"

"Do not fight with Darkness, You will waste tour Energy as well time. Intead create New Light, and let the world know what you say,. If you know where you are going, the whole world will give you way."

"WE can get LOVE, PEACE, or Social, Religious & Spiritual SATISFACTION only by "SELF REALIZATION."

"Therefore SPIRITUALISM is individualistic. One has his own individual "DHARMA"."

"There is his own sphere of Natural Activity and Duty which he should do or perform without any feeling of attachment, expectation or distance."

"He has been sent by Total Cosmic System to perform and he has not come of his own "SWEET WILL"."

""He is, therefore in Mundane Sense, not master of his own Prarabdha (destiny)."

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