10 Dec 2012


"This is the ERA of OSTENTATION."

"Like a BIRD trapped in a NET,every body in Universe are writhing with AGONY from within ."

"Everybody is surrounded by ENEMIES from within."

"Attachment and aversion,anger,pride and no one knows how many others DEMONS had taken a strong foothold in our HEART & MIND."

"Our vrittis (mental patterns,or fluctuation) were polluted by our vasanas (mental tendencies,propensity)) and our thoughts were covered with filth."

"Like a BIRD trapped in a NET,every body in Universe are writhing with AGONY from within ."

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"

The Pure Knowledge of the Past,Present & Future-------all exist WITHIN the INNER SELF."

"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"He has no knowledge of his past or future,but this lack of knowledge is limited only to the GROSS CONSCIOUSNESS."

"The Pure Knowledge of the past,present and future--- exists within the INNER SELF.Because the individual soul is EXTROVERT it sees the world and cannot see the SOUL WITHIN."

"ONE'S knowledge of the world is also limited by the reach of the senses,Very often that knowledge is also ILLUSORY and IN REALITY,that knowledge TURNS out to be IGNORANCE."

"This is the experience of "HAPPINESS" & "UNHAPPINESS"."

"The "BLOOMING" FLOWERS is a Beautiful garden full of Flowers,Vines and Trees.It is attractive=,and basis of Beauty and Fragrance is God's OMNIPRESENCE."

"But the TRUTH is HIDDEN the beauty and fragrance of the Garden.The Garden will PERISH one day.The blooming of flowers will WILT one day."

"Trees and Vines spread, but they will dry one day.This Garden is temporary, but the OMNIPRESENT SHAKTI (Divine Power) of Lord (God) is ETERNAL and REAL."

"As long as the MIND of Person clings to the World,it goes on BLOOMING and WILTING,Spreading and Drying along with the Universe.(Yatha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande)."

"This is the experience of "HAPPINESS" & "UNHAPPINESS"."

"Therefore Attention must be FOCUSED on the OMNIPRESENCE of GOD,and EXPERIENCES in the WORLD must LIVED with DETACHMENT."

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