11 Dec 2012

Triple Knowledge

"The TRIPLE Knowledge of Name,meaning and forms needs some more elucidation."

"Every object presents itself to us in three ways.Its very sight or through strikes us with the idea of its name,form ,and meaning."

"Name is simlpy a word which stands as a symbol for the object which it is understood to denote.Therefore names differ by usage,in different counties and different times,though the object denoted is the same."

"A sound or remembrance of that word reminds us of the particular object denoted thereby. The corresponding existence of that object is the import of that name and we call it its meaning."

"Along with the import of the word the knowledge of the corresponding form of the object is also gained,if it is capable of having form."

"The three to an ordinary person are inseparable,but by concentration their separateness can be visualized and felt,and by degrees gradually the object only lasts and survives,while the name slips off the mind and later even the meaning is also gone and the knowledge of form is lost in haziness ,leaving behind only the Truth of Nature."

"By force of habit acquired through repetition of deep concentation and its impressions gained by chitta (mind stuff),the latter acquires a stability of a state corresponding to such impressions,and then it naturally begins to stay in that condition."

"FAITH ,Self Confidence and Self-Reliance are the most active forms of the WILLS-POWER and in the initial stages a person requires them in every sphere of life i.e. Social Conductivity & Spirituality."

"In other words,SHRADDHA or Faith is the power of WILL accompanied with the power of Karma (actions)."

"WILL tends to emanate the creative power from the self which is out flowing,but faith is introversive."

"Faith,when passive is called belief and when active,it is named confidence."
"Faith in God or in one's own self gives the person an impetus of confidence in one's power,thertefore,will-power combined with strong active Faith supplies the requisite energy for Karma (actions)."

"The soul of a person is SHRADDHAMAYA, i.e.a mass of Faith and confidence."AS he believes so he becomes",says GITA."

"Therefore,"FAITH ,self confidence and self-reliance are the most active forms of the WILLS-POWER and in the initial stages a person requires them in every sphere of life i.e. Social Conductivity & Spirituality."

"According to the UPANISHADS, "AKASH" (sky) is the body of Lord ( GOD)."

"Today the word "AKASH ( Sky)" is interpreted in the gross sense as "VACUUM",and on a subtle plane as "INNER SPACE" or "CHITTAKASH":."

"Guru Tattwa has appriately called himself "LUMINOUS" and established in "UNIVERSAL COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS."

" Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of "Selfishness,Ego,Hate,Hatred,Enmity,Lust,Propensity ,& Vices."

"The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an holistic approach, promoting health, education and enterprise; facilitating independence not dependence."

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