28 Dec 2012


"Who is BEAUTIFUL like The Lamp which is lighting Divine Light Within ?."
BEAUTIFUL is what BEAUTIFUL does. It is neither good Looks, nor Showmanship (Ostentation of Private organs), nor your Riches, which make you BEAUTIFUL."

"Human can rise above Gods and Fall below Animals. Human has Divine & Great Spectrum, from the Lowest to the Highest, Human is the "Subtle - Ladder."

"The Great Values of our Precious Life for Happiness in Family, Society & so forth."

"Wise & Great Men (Within) make proverbs, for welfare of Family, Society & so forth, but fools repeat them in words but not follow them in deeds"

"BEAUTIFUL is what BEAUTIFUL does. It is neither good Looks, nor Showmanship (Ostentation of Private organs), nor your Riches, which make you BEAUTIFUL."

"It is your BEAUTIFUL behaviour toward others that makes you BEAUTIFUL."

"If you are a positive person, if you are helpful, if you are co- operative to anyone with whom you are dealing, you are BEAUTIFUL - however UGLY looks you MIGHT HAVE."

"BEAUTY lies in the eyes of the Beholder. BEAUTY lies in the satisfaction of the receiver. BEAUTY lies in the sweetness of the atmosphere you create. BEAUTY lies in the Fragrance you spread. BEAUTY lies in the Helping hand that you extend."
"BEAUTY lies in the Smile you ceate within, in the laughter you produce within."

"A Dull, drab, Unhelpful, Unresponsive , Snob person can be BEAUTIFUL, even through He or She may own all the Riches of the Earth and have the PRETTIEST FACE."

"If you can inspire some one to do something positive for precious life, you are Extensively BEAUTIFUL on this Earth & as well as Realm of LORD."

"If you are with Nature, you are BEAUTIFUL.To live in a Natural Way is BEAUTIFUL.To be with BEAUTIFUL People , is BEAUTIFUL."

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥""THE KNOWER & THE KNOWN" "श्री*♥ ॐ♥"

"THE lacks Reality
"Is akin to Faithlessness

"Blind obedience
"Without the light of knowledge
"Is utter waste of effort,
Like ploughing in sand.

"If thou art freed
"From the cage of this world
"Soar into the EMPYREAN
"And share the bliss of GOD.

"Do not O GOD, put out
"This flikening lamp !
"Cast not this heart afire with
"Love for THEE
"INTO the Furnace of DESIRE.

"Oh ! GOD ! Rend not
"my patched- up sail,
"Nor drive my broken bark
"from the river of True & Pure Knowledge !

"Individual beings mat attain different types of miraculous powers, but he not there by experience the AWAKENED STATE."

"Frequently Truth finds Truth (Moral)and Falsehood finds Falsehood ( Immoral)."

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"Salvation means "FREEDOM" from Mental Tendencies.""श्री*♥ ॐ♥

"Its possible synonyms: Rescue, Release, Liberation, Liberty, even Equality,Kindness, Humanity, Humility, Compassion, Forgiveness & so forth."

"A Human is a Ghost as long as he identifies himself with the objects of his Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"The day he becomes Aware of his True & Essential Nature, his True Self, he is free from all FEARS of Grand Illusion i.e. Salvation, Freedom."

"The "SULABHYA (Easily Accessible), Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality (selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."


"A Life Devoid of Ostentation must be our True NATURE ,
Ostentation is the Total Cause of Materialism i.e. HELL.
So, OUR body becomes his worst HELL."

"Those who had a Life of Luxury and who are Puffed up with Pride, loses their understanding and sense."
*~ Vedanta Version ~*



"Cosmos exists, Life comes & goes,
"How does it happen, None of us Knows,
"Lord made the Five Divine Tattwa i.e. Earth, water, Air, Fire & Ether,
" Lord made the Consciousness, and Lord made all these suns !,
"How they affect us, how we take breath?
"What is the Consciousness in Living & Non Living, where we go after Death ?
"What is the Miraculous Creation, What is the Miraculous Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ?
"Is not all "MYSTIC", should we not then find ?
"Still we are Living in Illusion of Dvaita (duality) !
"We can find when we Live with Advaita (non duality)."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"The union of world that exists, in the form of of ACCUMULATED SAMSKARS (Prarabdha, destiny, accumulated impressions) in the CHITTA (mind stuff,psyche) and the visible SLIPPERY WORLD (YATHA PINDE TATHA BRHAMANDE), stifles the competency of an individual SOUL."

"The world is compared to a RIVER that has FIVE ORIGINS,FIVE TRIBUTARIES & FIVE WHIRLPOOLS."

"The five origins are the SAMSKARS of pleasures of Sound,Touch,Appearance,Taste and Smell."

"The five tributaries are the performed through the FIVE SENSES,and the five types of Sensuality are the five Whirlpools."

"The individual beings of the universe CAUGHT in a WHIRLPOOL is an incompetent individual beings.."

"He goes on sinking in the waves of Ego,Desires,Anger,Greed,Inf actuation and Indulgence."

"If he wants to come to the bank he can not,because by the time he even wishes to do so a new wave sweeps in to its current."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS

"You make a Religion of all Religions,
including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength,
"What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( ♥श्री ॐ♥", Religion based on Consciousness)?."

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