11 Dec 2012

World is Awakening

"What is the "CHAITNYA- DHARMA (Co-ordination & Religion based on consciousness)."?

"The Goal of Attaining God (Lord) is IDENTICAL in all RELIGION , SECTS & PATHS."
"Whatever realization of God is not the GOAL,it is not DHARMA (RELIGION)."

"Generally aren't Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma), Christian, Islam, and others Religions considered DHARMA (Righteous Act).?

"There is only one DHARMA (Righteous Act): To realize LORD ( God)."

"The Goal of Attaining God is IDENTICAL in all RELIGIONS & PATHS

"That is to clear the misconception that God is not realized,which means to establish oneself in Dharma (Righteous Act) through Dharma (Righteous Act)."

"Everything else is a Display of Words."
"In some places in the "GITA" ,Karma (action) is called Dharma, in some places YAJNA (religious sacrifice) is called Dharma,and in some places duty."

"Understand the essential meaning of Karma as Dharma.Karma full of attachment is not Dharma.Detached Karma is called Dharma because it purifies the Mind and instrumental in clearing misconception."

"When YAJNA is called Dharma, remember that Japa (chanting) is the most superior amongst all YJNAS.Doing Japa or prayer to attain something is not YAJNA.YAJNA with the sole intention of realizing God and not for obtaining any thing else is Dharma because it destroys misconception."

"Performing one's duty without desiring any fruits is Dharma because it removes desires and destroy misconceptions."


"The Goal of Attaining God is IDENTICAL in all PATHS."
"Whatever realization of God is not the GOAL, it is not DHARMA (Righteous Act)."

"Dhrama is a devotee worshiping, a Karma Yoga performing his duties without any attachment, the Knowledge arising in an Intellectual from within, and a Yogi performing Meditation to realize God."

"A Householder living in accordance with the Scriptures to achieve detachment,this sacrifice of sense objects by an elder, and acquisition of knowledge by a celibate (Bramhachari) IS DHARMA."

"All these are helpful in leading towards GOD."

"The Goal of Attaining God is IDENTICAL in all RELIGIONS & of the UNIVERSE."PATHS."

"Hinduism ,Christianity,Islam & other religion are not only dharma,but also doctrines which suggest the means of moving towards dharma."

"Some are action- oriented,some japa-oriented,
some sentiment-oriented,
some worship-oriented,.
some prayer-oreinted ,and

"The distinction of Hinduism (SANATAN -Dharma) is that it is not based on the means but on the state of the chitta (mind-stuff,psyche)."

"The state of chitta is not the same for all beings.Everyone's accumulated impressions, Prarbdha (Destiny,past Karma), sentiments, faith and tendency are different, and thus one doctrine or spiritual practice is not appropriate for all."

"The doctrine of Hinduism acknowledges all ways and grants one the right to practice what is suitable for him."

"Whatever realization of GOD is not the GOAL, it is not DHARMA at all."

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